I never have been a fan of Corrie Fitz and I never will be (nor Emmerdale either), so obviously I didnt see the bits your talking about. But its clearly a big problem these days and they must have felt it was worthy of doing in a storyline. I would say by the sounds of it that they have been brave to do this, rather than controversial.
Some of the CES cases involving 'asian' grooming gangs never made mainstream news. One of the first, Derby only made the news after Nick Griffin turned up...
It needs to be said that statistically most child abuse comes at the hands of a relative or family friend. Just saying.
We were talking about grooming gangs though, and when everything is uncovered that might not be the case any longer anyway, we are looking at hundreds of thousands of girls in the counry as a whole.
We have a former British Prime Minister being investigated for abuse.- surely this should be all over the.news.ad well
And many children abused in the church- findings from a report where 8,000 children were deported to.Australia then 4000 of those abused by the Catholic church. We need to.tackle all cases heads on - wether Church related, Muslim, care homes establishment and the cases for example which involved football players - That's gone quiet as well
Well since you're posting about it I think it must have been or how else would you have heard about it?
Present cases should take priority though, don't think the Catholic Church is currently sending children to Australia whereas the grooming gang problem is serious, urgent and ongoing.
The report is unlikely to be disclosed- great!! Cases in the are still being reported- the children who were abused are still alive and still living with the trauma of what happened but let's just keep them waiting a little bit longer then. You can't prioritize things like this - all cases need investigating and all perpetrators brought to justice whether present or historical
Never said there wasnt abuse by the Catholic church. Im quite well aware of the issues regarding this delightful organisation. The problem is that the Rochdale, Rotherham, keighley, Leeds,Doncaster,Oxford,Middlesborogh,Sheffield, liverpool,colchester,tipton,burton,bristol,burnely,blackburn,skipton,peterborough, oldham,darwen,nelson,huddersfield amd the other 30 plus towns.ive neglected to mentiom is that these cases are the very tip of the iceberg. How deep this issue could actually go is frightening. Not just the number of victims but the lack of convictions and the implicit actions failings and deliberate and continuing turning of a blind eye to this issue by the authorities. This problem has going on since before i was born. Its still going on now. Its a frightening combination of instituionalised political correctness,fear of being called racist by the communities in question and those of a liberal persuasion championing the cause of multi culturalism. And votes. Cants forget that. Lets be right. If i had some teenager tell the cops i was shagging them my door would be off the hinges before inks dry on the statement. . .
We need to address ALL cases of abuse and grooming- we will never be clear of numbers involved in a lot of cases - all cases should be dealt with and should see longest possible sentences.
Which of course is your no doubted explanation as to the fact 90% of those convicted of offences relating to child grooming gangs are of course Asian. There are a number of subtle differences between the MO of white sex offenders and those from an asian background. White sex offenders tend to operate as 'lone wolves' rather than in gangs. . .