I agree re the Provisional IRA & some of the splinter groups that have broken off since the peace accord. There are obviously atrocities by the loyalists & obviously the Bloody Sunday massacre that lead up to the rise in violence. Non of which changes their cowardly acts. If peace is maintained there it will be interesting post Brexit & how things work with the border whether there will be a move to a united Ireland in say 20-30 years time, when most of those affected by the Troubles have passed on. If that were the case, then the history of Ireland would no doubt be re-written to some extent. For once i'm not taking up a position on this Mario, as opinionated as you know I am, but it is inevitable that would happen to some extent.
On the election debate, I thought May did better than previous times, but when confronted by the nurse the think veneer of any degree of care or respect started to wain. Corbyn largely performed well, but struggled on the weapons question. A bizarre question really. I mean who IS in favour of us making a first strike with a nuclear weapon? I doubt too many people will make up their minds to vote for one or the other, based on it, although the deciding factor will be turnout. if the under 25s come out in droves, then Labour may stop a Tory majority, if the over 60's are put off by the weak answers on the dementia tax, then there may even be some kind of victory even. I think it's a long shot to be honest.
Just seen her speech from dewsbury on sky news (i cant reach the remote). I think its exactly thecsamecspeech we've had for the last month. Strong and stable x4 Coalition of chaos x2 Most crucial vote of lifetime x2
i think Menachem Begin is a better comparison than Mandela to a terrorist becoming a Freedom fighter after becoming a politician . Begin was involved in a number of bombing atrocities against us in 1940's
She has no objection to me eating meat, it is just that she just is unwilling to do so herself. I regularly make the short journey to Jump in order to worship at the feet of my god (Percy Turner).
Seamus Mallon said Corbyn was a supporter of the IRA, that's essentially different to being a peace broker . According to what has been said he stood in silence at 8 IRA funerals...had he done the same at loyalist terrorist, soldiers , and police officers funerals I would have conceded the point .
I was shouting at the TV when she was treating a nurse with 26yrs experience like she was five. It's insulting talking about a 'magic money tree' to her, at least give her a grown up adult answer rather than acting like she believes in fairies. She's asking to not have her wage cut every year, nothing radical about that.
I have a magic money tree at the bottom of my garden. I'm having trouble growing the new £5 note. Any horticulturalists out there can advise? I'm a socialist, so growing fifties seems a bit greedy.
I believe in democracy and therefore I would be in complete support of a referendum to decide whether Ireland remains as it is or is united. Let the people decide not the terrorists.
Its funny how the magic money tree can find MPs 46% payrises since 2010 or the Queen 10p%. And how much has military action cost in the same period?
I'm afraid that if I have an accident or illness the ambulance won't be available to get me to hospital in time because of the cuts. I'm afraid that if I do get to the hospital there won't be anyone available to see to me because of staff shortages because of the cuts. I'm afraid that if my home is invaded by criminals or I'm attacked the police won't respond to my aid because of the cuts. I'm afraid that my grandchildren will end up with a secondary education with the current govts plans to erode standards because of the cuts. Because of Jeremy Corbyn and people like him , thankfully I'm NOT afraid of the IRA.
Those issues worry a lot of people, of all political persuasions, they're not exclusive to the left. I also worry about the suitability of those running the country and how they would defend it. I don't think it's unreasonable or inappropriate to have these concerns.
Not unreasonable or inappropriate by any means but hypocritical to carry on voting for the buggers that's never hidden their dislike of the current NHS and it's values as well as other public services.
2010: £65,738 2015: £74,000 About 12.5% innit? Certainly not 46%. Still a bigger percentage increase than most folks, but I think 74k is still low for a position of that responsibility - ignoring how well they are or aren't performing. The picture is complicated a little by their other allowances.