Where in my statement does it say that? I am saying our LOCAL newspaper should really be in touch with the impact such a front page advert would have, why did senior staff advise against it?
Oh, ok sorry for feeling a little peeved by a government which tried to starve us back to work & destroyed whole communities running full page ads in the Local Paper, Forgive & Forget and all that. Tally Ho.
Yes I know. It wasn't an order though, it was an advert. Sent from the darkest recesses of a poisoned mind.
Its a shame that the answer to peoples alternative views is to ban or boycott the 'messenger'. It was a paid advert. If we are to boycott the paper and risk putting people out of work at the paper, risk only allowing one side of a story to be told then democracy has gone wrong. I get the boycotting of The S*n where they lied and stirred ****. This is an advert. Labour had the same option to advertise front page as did all of the posters on here. The Chronicle is supposed to be neutral aren't they. So with this logic i want everyone banned on here who dont agree with my views on everything.
explains why no postal garbage from the tories this time, only had labour bumf, usually a general election pays for a week in spain, looks like a night out in wombwell this time! hate to say it but the blues only have to wake up on 9th n they'll be in power and corbyn will no longer be leader, shame on our local paper promoting them, but i've boycotted it for years anyway
Advert or not,this does not deserve front page of our local paper promoting a party that destroyed our working community. Fecking pants Chron think you have just banged the final nail in.
I agree it doesn't deserve it. My point was do we ban, boycott, etc everything that advertises something we dont like? Lets be clear here, we are in the middle of a political campaign and one party (the one we dont like) has taken an ad out on the front page of the local independent paper. Not buying it is ok, but long term are you happy to put people out of work if the paper goes under? A simple yes no will suffice.
Strange idea this coming from someone round here. As you know the bitch and her ******** smashed the mining unions leaving her a free run to do as she wanted which put a good percentage of our fellow townsfolk out of work. With the same swing of the sword she did the same to the printers union with similar results. Why then do you want to put printers out of work when all they've done is print an advert in their workplace? Say what you want about the chronicle(I can take it or leave it), but it keeps people in work.
They have already apologised on Facebook, with some long winded copy and paste piece of crap, but still an apology.
Whatever decision people make is up to them but in my case I won't be boycotting . I'm dissapointed about the decision to run the advert and I didn't buy this weeks copy because of it. But I shall resume next week. Not least because I know people who are employed by the paper and are top top people, Barnsley through and through and also others I don't know who depend on us buying the paper. Also I like to read the local sports reports as well as the current affairs .(as well as the deaths and memoriams ,sorry to be morbid) So the advert will make no difference to me as regards buying the paper and also confident it won't make any difference to the elected body come next Thursday
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