Log into your mysky account online, there is usually a discount offer to stay, which should increase the nearer you get to the cease date. Sent from my MI MAX using Tapatalk
Yes I said what about the 67per cent discount. They said best they could offer was 5 per cent Tried everything but failed
That's what they said to me. So I cancelled. Then within a month they offered me a better deal than I'd initially asked for. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
My contract is up in August Will take advice of you lads and wait and see what happens Deep down I expect a better deal to occur
Just cancelling mine this morning. Rang yesterday got 33% then 40% off but they refused to negotiate on my phone line rental and fiber broadband. Will wait what happens today! Got a employee code but they say cant have sky against house until after 12 months. Advised what a load of tosh as told him he is not aware of any circumstances.
just cancelled my sky, haven't paid full for years, instantly offered 50% discount but rejected it, will wait if they offer 60% again, if not, i've got the openbox
Contract just finished. Basic package Sky Original, Fibre & Line rental had gone up to £61.49 from £43, rang them up for offers, and was offered the same package for £44.09 for 18 months. Sat with this thread open and read all the offers other folk have got and asked how they got these? Told him with 15 years of sky l never get close, he said he didn't know, probably flash sales. Mentioned 67% discount, on about leaving, can't afford it, been eating beans for 12 months... he tried adding packages etc and l got a lot more on but still over £50. I'm having a think about it, like I've done 4/5/6 times before, never had them ring up with a better offer, they've just offered the same or on one occasion they offered me a more expensive package telling me the original offer had expired. Missus is gunna go ape ****. Day off work, I'm pissing about with Sky when hoovering needs doing.
I cancelled mine, logged into mysky, and was offered 50% off any package for 12 months. Sent from my MI MAX using Tapatalk