I totally respect your view but what I'm saying is that I personally don't expect someone else to pay for my child's university fees . Its her choice to go to university so why the hell should the taxpayer foot the bill ?
Yep, The whole shebang , makes for a good society without the stuck up ***** looking down their noses and misjudging the reasons why some people haven't the resources even though they may have the talent.imo
Nonsense. Welcome to the real world. There's more people attending uni than ever before . If we abandoned tuition fees and raised taxes to pay for them there would be a bloody rebellion .
Your right about nonsense and you post most of it. Weve had free higher education for almost four generations . Polls have come in favour of more taxes to improve Health and education.
You do realise there wouldn't automatically be unlimited places, right? There'd be the same number of spots so entry levels would have to rise to account for the larger number of people. The impact would be brighter people going to uni rather than just those who can afford it.
You keep flip flopping across points like crazy every time you are proved wrong on something. We started off about the 1% inflation increase which you said should be performance assessed (which it shouldn't), then you replied to that saying about good teachers not being managed out (which they are) now you're going down the track of it being difficult to get rid of bad teachers (which it isn't, bad teachers can be 'fast tracked' to be gone in 6 weeks, I've seen it done to 3 teachers (2 of which did deserve it in my opinion)).
I suspect the election will prove that the establishments concentrated smear job on Corbyn has fooled the gullible.
I was stood waiting in the Chinese on Friday night, and picked up that day's edition of the Sun. By the end of the second paragraph on the front page, I'd seen 3-4 obvious lies, mistruths or smears about Corbyn/Labour. Murdoch is obviously crapping himself.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/amp/38666914 Murdoch isn't the only one. Sent from my iPad using Barnsley FC BBS Fan Forum mobile app
Because we need a well educated workforce ? If not we will have to import skills from other countries.
So after graduation , what if she decided to go and work abroad , would that be a waste of taxpayers money ?
By the current arrangements, depending on her destination she could avoid repayment of her loans. Is that any different?
Thanks for the information , I didn't know that . All I'm trying to say is that she believes that her degree will give her better opportunities in the future and that she is happy to pay the debt back when she starts earning .Surely that's morally right , I can't see what's wrong with that . Anyway I'm out of here , I'm getting too many pelters!
If that scenario is correct, very poor form indeed. I've just left a primary school where I was chair of the gov body and must say this wouldn't have happened at this school. Sounds also like weak management and governance to me. I'll add something to this though and say within the private sector it's a regular annual thing with pay increases and pay reviews where a set pot of money is put in place for pay review and the management are forced to fit peoples grading into a bell curve rather than assessing performance and rewarding fairly. We went through years and years where the public sector pay rises and things like pension benefits were very favourable against the private sector, so it's swings and roundabouts somewhat. I don't agree with the 1% cap though especially over 7 years. Likewise in the private sector though, I have seen many receive 0% due to pay freezes since 2008 and I have personally seen increases to my pay of 0.25%, 0.75% and 1.25%. It has picked up since I changed jobs but went out and made that happen myself. As I said though, I do sympathise with the public sector with this 1% cap.