She's awful, I can't believe the Labour Party allow her to appear on TV! She never knows the answer to anything.
I'm all for being loyal to your mates but she's unbelievably bad. Sent from my iPad using Barnsley FC BBS Fans Forum
Dermot shouldn't have let her off the hook by giving her the answer. Every interview she does is a complete car crash.
I'd rather have one Clusterfuck that is Dianne Abbot than having Mr Gove, *H*unt, and Johnson (And the rest)
One of the most funniest yet cringest things I've seen in a while. People can have their opinions on who they want to run this country but surely nobody believes this clown can do her job properly. As soon as a Conservative ***** up, Labour match them, if not do one better. Best of a bad bunch this Thursday I'm afraid.
Just stop it just stop it you silly thing. Abbot is exactly why British politics are a ******* danger to us. The three schoolboys are just ******* ineptitude at its worst. But that *******? Christ
This woman is capable of losing an election all on her own. She never puts a shift in to prepare for an interview and looks like a t**t when she's in front of the camera. Have they not got a team charged with preparing her? She always seems to be winging it.
I'm sure she's not in post still because of her very very personal special bond with Jeremy. I'm sure it's not that.
All parties have their Abbott's. The tories have 3 of them. Sent from my iPad using Barnsley FC BBS Fan Forum mobile app
Sorry mate rumour and innuendo are just the sort of nasty smear tactics I abhor. Having worked in the political arena you hear stories about personal relationships on all sides. It's irrelevant. Sent from my iPad using Barnsley FC BBS Fan Forum mobile app
Indeed, but not smear from 3 sources from inside the Westminster bubble, But you're right, her incompetence has nothing to do with her affair with Corbyn. However, her retaining her job despite her continued incompetence, may well be.
3? Gove, Johnson, Hunt, Davies, Rudd, May, Bradley, IDS, Rees-Mogg, and Leadsom = 10 without even trying.