I do every day. I hope I never get to meet Mr Farage, Johnson or Gove or otherwise I'd probably be discovering the inner workings of the criminal justice system. It would probably be worth it though.
My message to those contemplating voting ...look in your Wallet to decide who to vote for ...if it's got a spare few million floating about in it then by all means vote Tory If you are like the rest of us struggling and you wallet is constantly empty then I guess like the rest of us you should be voting Labour
From the manifestos and speeches, it seems likely that the Tories will tax the lower earners more (either through direct or indirect taxation), while Labour are aiming to tax Corporations and the richer in society. For most of us, we'd be better of under Labour.
Personally I think you are wrong, Labour have always been the party to increase taxes. People on benefits will be better off under Labour no doubt about it.
If larger corporations face higher taxes. Do you think they'll all be content making lower profits to pass onto shareholders, or do you think they may look at cuts to maintain profits, ... cuts like, jobs, sites, locations, equipment, pay rises. Or maybe even, debunk elsewhere? Or maybe cut none essential spend. And potential impact on small businesses that supply them with goods and services. If any of those happened to a decent degree, its those on lower incomes that will likely be affected more. The morality of a policy may make sense, but the execution doesn't always follow to give you the result you might hope.
https://www.theguardian.com/news/20...sto-what-economy-needs?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other This lot disagree. Sent from my iPad using Barnsley FC BBS Fan Forum mobile app
I'm very happy to disagree with them. At a time with less sales, with huge uncertainty, the last thing small businesses need are higher taxes and threatened sales pipelines, especially in the sectors which are deemed non essential, investment, capital, advisory and creative sectors especially. 2008 may look pleasant in comparison.
Bloke on the internet or hundreds of respected economists. It's a difficult choice to make in these days where we don't trust experts. Sent from my iPad using Barnsley FC BBS Fans Forum
Do you know how elitist it is to become a lawyer the conventional way; 3 years at uni first. Then a law practicing course which was 10k 10 years ago. THEN you have to get a training contract for 3 year while you are basically an apprentice to start on about 20k, 3 years till fully qualified. If you want to be a barrister it was about 40k and then you have the risk of being self employed! Financial barriers ive witnessed first hand. Also there are family lawyers, human rights lawyers etc, they all don't have morals of a tory politician.
You'll frame it however you wish, you've made your mind up and you'll find the evidence to back it up. You don't know my career or industry sector, background, spheres of influence, contacts or experts I personally know. I don't know yours. I know my mind but I'm open to it being changed. A random list of people from a left leaning newspaper means nothing to me. Just as a right leaning newspapers list of random people wouldn't shape it either. I talk with businesses first hand (some huge, some micro), to business owners first hand and I hear the issues they have and share. I see there decisions and what has shaped them. I'll trust people experiencing things first hand rather than a group rounded up to try and make something sound politically credible. Anyway, I'll leave you to it. Enjoy.
I know a couple of the signatories personally and another couple through work. They wouldn't put their name to anything they didn't rigorously believe in. Strange that Europe's strongest economic force Germany already operates many similar policies to those in the Labour manifesto without any sort of economic chaos.
Not only 3 years at university. You need to get fairly decent grade "A" levels before that if you're going down that route. The training contract is 2 years btw. But there are quite a few ways to get there in the end. Not all by any means "elitist". And many are wonderful chaps. But by and large they know how to feather their own nest, and to consider that the general public at large ought to be paying to give these chaps a cushy wage is pushing it a bit too far for me. This stuff about how a "good lawyer" stops you from being fleeced is all very well, until you consider that you will have also already paid for the education of the lawyer on the other side of the argument who's trying to take what's yours away from you.
Belief doesn't guarantee certainty. And Germany is in the EU. And herein lies the crux to our soon to be diverging fortunes. At the end of the day, belief, knowledge, status, career, education, salary don't allow us to predict the future and the past is littered with many who thought they knew better but were proven wrong. So let's leave it there and let the many hundreds of Barnsley fans have their say instead of two vocal people who could ultimately drown out the chorus.
I would. I have no children but doubtless pay for the education of other peoples children until they are 18 I recieve the benefits of having educated doctors, police, engineers etc in our society. I had a "free" education up to degree level and as a result have had higher paying jobs but paid a lot more in tax as a result. Its how a civilised society works As soon as you start charging everyone individually for everything the poor suffer - I dont want to live in that society
My grandson is 22 years old he can not talk and has a child's brain all caused by meningitis when a baby he has just had his benefits cut by £20 this is his second cut by the way because he can walk more than a given distance, out of his benefits he as to pay for his own care and he needs care 24/7, like going with the Barnsley based green works 2 days a week who do a sterling job I myself look after him 2 days for nothing because my daughter can not afford to pay anyone to look after him, them 2 particular days, she as to work 5 days a week to keep her other 2 kids her husband died 5 years ago. So if you think cutting benefits is good thing Huddersfield Red then I only hope you never get in the predicament some people do. Me personally I hope Labour get in power and people in benefits are well looked after and to raise this money they Tax the very rich like £100,000 a week footballers.
Yes your right, merging lpc and training contact to wrongly say 3 years.The point is that there are financial barriers that stop the best people doing a job over those most privileged, which is detrimental for all in the long run. My wife is a 'senior legal officer' through a none conventional way that took her probably 4 years longer due to financial barriers of doing an lpc. That's just the tip of it in law as you probably know.
Your reply has rightly stopped this thread in it's tracks . The one thing that I would say is that I wish we had a few more footballers earning 100k a week because half of that is going back into the treasury . The problem is that the money isn't getting to those who need it . Best of luck to you ,your daughter and your Grandson . .