Media seem to be having a field day with this. The Aussie players/commentators/media were told beforehand that the Saudi's wouldn't be taking part in it. Balls to them is what i say...each to their own and all that; if they dont want to move with the times then leave them to it.
I've watched it a couple of times. They observe the silence I think? I'm a severe critic of Saudi human rights / terrorism (that we are supplying weapons for), and if I was a Saudi player I'd be doing what I was told. The House of Saud is no doubt behind most of this terrorism, but we sell billions in arms ... arms, legs, other body parts are available
As they did so, the Saudi Arabia team continued jogging, passing the ball between each other Don't try to excuse them. Read the above.
Sorry. Who are you having a go at, the players or the regime??????????????????????????????????????????
The players observed it, just not in a organised style because they were told they could not by the Facebook of Saudi Arabia. The video clearly shows several players observing the silence. Don't blame the players, blame the organisation of the Saudi fa
I'm "having a go" as you put it at both the players and the Saudi FA. As far as we can see from the video clip there was one player, the number 18, standing still. Why weren't they all on the centre-circle as is the custom? The Saudi FA showed huge disrespect if they told the players to ignore it, and the players also should take responsibility for not ignoring any directIve from their FA, if that was the case..
What about the goalkeeper who you can clearly see standing with his hands behind his back? At the end as the referee blows his whistle he walks back to his goal. What about the player named in the article? He isn't number 18 What about the number 2 (I think) who is shown standing still head bowed? Or you could just read a biased article that you have proven to be false
You conveniently ignore the fact that they ALL should have been at the centre circle, so stop with your weak excuses that one or two paid their respects.
I'm sure you would have ignored it and faced prison or worse unfortunately we aren't all as brave as you. Sent from my iPad using Barnsley FC BBS Fan Forum mobile app
What I would or would not have done is irrelevant. It's clear that there was a lack of respect in the conventional manner that both teams should link arms around the centre circle to pay respect.
I wasn't looking for a response per se, but I suspected that quite a few people on here would have strong feelings about it.