Well - WTO defaults are not 12% for a start. They are all over the place and specific to each tariff code. Also we are only talking about WTO rates where our imports are with the EU - so electronics which come from the far east are unaffected. I could offer the counter to your argument in spades - but the key thing is however you or I think things will pan out - whatever view we put forwards - it will be different to that. I accept my view has nuances and complexities which cannot be predicted. Certainly the simplistic views of doom and calamity - or massive prosperity - are far from what will happen. However my view is that there will be more opportunities than consequences. And indeed a consequence for individual A is an opportunity for individual B Personally I'm looking forwards to all these jobs and people buggering off back to Europe. That way my journey to work will be shorter - the queue at Morrisons will be shorter and my kids class will have fewer children in it and it will be easier to park there at kick out time. Less stress - more time - more happiness Not every benefit is financial. Although the rise in wages as labour shortages kick in will be appreciated and the reduction in house prices as demand dries up so the older kids can move out will also be welcome. Think positive - it's going to be ok.
I think we are just going to have to agree we have irreconcilable differences. If it was only car imports that went up I wouldnt really care, but its everything we import from Europe and thats a lot more than just cars. So add import duty and a devalued pound and we are all going to be worse off as imported goods will be more expensive, foreign holidays will be much more expensive and costs for companies who import parts from Europe will increase. As Scoff points out above companies who manufacture across Europe with parts moving between locations are going to stuggle to keep the UK operation profitable unless some deals are done to allow movement of these component parts. I work in the technology sector and almost all the work I and my colleages do is with other European companies who have design centres (and some manufacturing) in multiple European countries. With the UK outside a customs union and no free movement my work will probably dry up - there wont be a sudden surge in the UK to replace these type of jobs. My previous company already closed the UK office and moved all the functionalty to Germany and France. There is no real logic in my current American company keeping UK staff when all the work is in Europe if there are barriers there. Most research in technology and medicine is made of multinational teams - the UK is already being excluded from these projects As for the financial sector even the most ardent Brexiteer cant claim there are benefits there if we are completely outside Europe. Maybe over time we can do deals with North America and Asia which will ultimately be better than being in the European single market but thats a hope rather than an expectation from where I sit.
We were all shafted when a slender majority voted for something which they didn't understand and couldn't possibly know the consequences of a year ago.
Nobody is writing in the medical insurance bill each month that we all will have to take out and pay for if May and her Tory parasites get back in due to the NHS being privatised .....no matter how much you either like or dislike JC ...do you really want to lose the NHS....a vote for the Tories is the death call to our wonderful HEALTH SERVICE....alone... I wonder what your doctor will charge for an appointment. .45 quid in some quarters I hear .
At least! I've finished up with a private dentist. The one I used to use went private and wasn't very good so I moved to one I knew was good as I was having to pay anyway - just a routine check up is £58.50 - if I need any work done I need to see the Bank manager (actually I don't as I have insurance but thats your point isnt it)
point is ...it will soon be a very large bill to be ill if the Tories have their way ...and thats just to see a doctor never mind if you have to attend hospital....Do you want to be saddled with that folks..if the answer is yes then dont vote Labour...thats how simple this election should be based on
Bang on Shed. I'm the same as Farnham Red £58.50 just to examine my teeth. I had a bridge with three teeth on it and for some reason the stumps underneath have rotted. They've recommended implants. Cost around £2500.!!! On principle I would never pay that so alternative for me is palate but that's going to be thick end of £400. Trump has cleared the first hurdle to remove PPACA ( aka Obamacare) in the States. We are headed the same way IMO. Under a Tory administration if you haven't got private Medical insurance at some point in the not too distant future, for certain diseases/ailments the Medics will probably not be able to treat you .
Thats no problem - if you cant afford it you dont get treated and die much faster - saves the state a fortune keeping the poor alive for no good reason
If you read the thread you would see it is obvious what he was saying. The Tory policy is that if you can't afford it you die and then they don't need to pay your benefits anyway. It is clearly not Farnham's view and every post he's made makes that painfully clear
I'm not sure I would class it as a "sick" joke, I suspect that there are some in the Tory party who actually do hold a version of that view. Of course its not my view I've just been out to vote and as I mentioned elsewhere on here my constituency MP is none other than NHS butcher Jeremy Hunt - who I can assure you I didn't vote for.
What a load of standard predictable ridiculous ******** rhetoric. Socialists have been saying the tories want to privatise the NHS as long as I've lived. It hasn't happened yet. And it never will. And in 5 years time you'll say the same thing again.
Exit poll predicts a hung Parliament!! Labour and SNP could exceed Tories 314 seats. Labour 266 and SNP 34. Looks like Labour can have made gains in Scotland.
Let's wait and see I'm still expecting the Toried to sneak in maybe with help from the Unionists in Ireland. Be nice if Labour SNP and Lib Dems had more than 320 seats though