I am looking forward to all the articles in the press regarding the govt being in bed with terrorist sympathisers.
Well they are 'our' terrorists after all. Look through some of their antics in N Ireland - wowzers. A bit early for some of the smugness and mutual backslapping about Corbyn managing to come 2nd to a personality free walking disaster. This could be horrendous.
The difference between a good terrorist and a bad terrorist Not to mention http://www.thedailymash.co.uk/polit...phobes-who-think-pope-is-satan-20170609129202
Anybody taking bets to see how long it takes for ireland to kick off again.... oh dangerous times ahead.....whats that saying.....becareful who you get into bed with.....
Apparently, the UK government is the conduit for negotiations between Sinn Fein and the DUP as part of the Good Friday Agreement and the power sharing malarky - especially now with them unable to agree over Arlene Phillips and her £100m+ eco pyramid scheme. The DUP being in with the Tories would leave Sinn Fein unable to trust that the UK government is neutral and being fair (with good reason on past track record), so could lead to the complete breakdown of the power-sharing assembly in NI and the Good Friday Agreement as a result.
Arlene Phillips? When did she get into politics, quite a step up from strictly.... Arlene Foster don't u mean
Probably would be better if I got the names right! Although having never demeaned myself to watch Strictly, it must have been my subconscious that did the Freudian slip.
The lads in Ulster don't need us to create havoc for them - they're more than capable of doing it themselves. Anyway I suggest we send Len Goodman over to sort things out, now he's nowt else to do. They're all nice reasonable people these days aren't they? Sinn Fein and the Popeless lot. Let's not score points about who was nastiest in the past.
It should be remembered that the detested Blair won a landslide with a similar proportion of the vote as conservatives. It just goes to show that a realignment of electoral boundaries must be made. In addition children (young adults) should not be given the vote as they are influenced by the simple things like no university fees, which they fail to realise will have to be paid for. Who were the party that increased the personal tax free allowance by 45%, not Blair/Brown's government, but the Conservatives.
Brilliant - how about Pensioners not being given the vote either as they are influenced by simple things like being treated on the NHS which need to be paid for. On a much more serious note the majority of the young voting for Corbyn were doing it because they see the unfairness of the proposals in the Conservative manifesto and quite possibly because they trusted him more in the Brexit negotiations as the young were much keener on ties with Europe
I love the attempted explanation of "children". I hope you mean 16-18 year olds. The SNP were all for giving anyone who held a tartan coloured rattle in a pram the chance to vote - yet these clean pure skinned creatures can't drink or drive etc.. tut tut. (not drink and drive btw). Thing is - as seems to be corroborated by the election result - that if these large children are risen out of their Tracey Emmin type bed early enough on election day to make the 10pm cut off point, then they're sufficient in numbers by their votes to raise the question of whether they'll have to pay for their later education at all. They vote for what's best for them. And for someone to suggest that they have a smidgen of consideration for society as a whole is to suggest that the suggester has forgotten what they were like as a large child. Selfish full stop. I've started drinking early. Anyway. What will be will be.
Oh do piss off. I'm a young voter with nearly £30k of university debt but it didn't affect my decision one bit. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk