No because I hate the terrorists and the vast community that supports and hides them. They want to kill my children so I think that is ample ground to feel this way. Each to their own if you're going though.
No. Because what ever Robinson wants to call it, he is a **** stirring little racist. I want my son to grow up in a world free from hate. Islamic extremists. right wing racists. Both the same kettle of hate filled morons. I saw the footage of the 1000 people that attended their national rally today. 0.001% of the population. And they were the most idiotic & moronic 0.001% you could muster. I'm just glad that it's such a tiny minority of the population that are as thick and hate filled as the EDL, Britain First and Islamist Extremists. The country won't see peace until their ideology is gone.
No worries. Each to their own. I'm sure he's proud of the little group of britains finest that he's radicalising under his banner. The cleverest extremists are those that hide under a public mask of borderline acceptability. And rely on the gullability of a few to carry out their true feelings in action.
Folk like this silly bitch is 1 of many reasons why this country is like it is, we live in a country where KNOWN suspected terrorists live but due to political correctness and fear of sparking outrage with pillocks like this we let them roam the streets spouting there evil words, groaming innocent young naïve muslim lads to there way of thinking and attacking innocent people on the streets!! They for me in some respects are adding fuel to the fire just as much. Yes there is a mentality that some of these marches are attended with the incite to spread there own nastiness and cause trouble but for every one of them there's probably 20 that want the government to act and make our streets safer for everyone. That guy on that video did remarkably well to even engage in a civilised conversation with a total tit like her
Tommy Robinson is a petty criminal with convictions for fraud. I don't think I will be listening to him anytime soon.
in all fairness I went and what you saw was a tiny snippet of what went off. me , my dad and my mate went because we wanted to attend the unite against hate march. we have no interest in EDL what so ever. when we got their we got penned into the EDL section and the police caged us all in for 45 mins in a tiny corner under a bridge and it weren't nice all being squashed together. I saw one bit of violence all day and that was when the march started their was a group of anti EDL protesters that broke through the police barriers and started attacking people and throwing cans of beer. when walking in the march I heard people calling us Nazi's, racists etc. in that group in the march their were whites, muslims, Sikh's, blacks, people with families etc. at one point at the start of the march we got out of the group as we didn't think we were in the correct place and I spoke to a copper and asked where the unite against hate march was and he pointed me over to the EDL lot, I said that to the copper and his reply was "your all the same". as mentioned the only bit of violence I saw were the anti protestors and the ******* pillocks also thought it was funny when tommy robinson made the speeches to throw a flare banger into the crowd (at a time ******* kids got blown up in Manchester recently, they do something like that?) and they then started throwing bottles in the crowd. the main and only reason I went to the march was because I believe its time for people to make a stand - no matter what race or religion you are to stand together against terrorism. their might have been a very small (and I mean small) minority of idiots at the march but what you have seen on the tv and newspapers is what the news wanted you to see. I went their so I could see it for my own eyes. tommy robinson has had a bad reputation and when he was in the EDL I didn't have anything to do with him, but he seems to be the only person that's standing up for everything that's wrong with terrorism and I'm glad I went yesterday.