While ever these three p1locks David Davis, The Bafoon and Teressa May are involved in Brexit talks we'll finish up **** creek. I only hope Keir Starmer and Jeramy Corbin keep their noses out of it, because WHEN IT GO'S TITS UP and it will, they will get the blame a typical Tory ploy.
Like me did anyone watch "This Week" last night.? One of the most rabid Tory supporters we've even known re - " Choo Choo Man on a Train Michael Portillo" when asked about Theresa May's future prospects said " I would have thought she won't go to Conference ( re- October 2017) as Leader of the party." If that's right it begs the question what is the point of her even starting the Brexit process if she's probably not going to be PM. beyond October.? Unless they are banking on the negotiations only taking three months to conclude. Whatever is happening it seems apparent some of her colleagues with higher ambition are all jockeying for position. Philip Hammond was to make a speech at the Mansion House last night but it was postponed out of respect for those involved in the fire. Apparently he was going to recommend a softer approach to Brexit which pundits reckon will further undermine May's credibility. Portillo said his favourite to succeed May would be Ruth Davidson adding if Theresa May does try to brave it out and go to Conference as PM she would get a rough ride from party delegates. Lovely people aren't they.? Only last week they were lauding her from the rooftops and holding banners proclaiming " Theresa May for Britain." !!
According to http://www.independent.co.uk/news/u...-yet-to-send-submit-latest-news-a7792531.html , our government have yet to submit their opening position to the EU, and the talks start on Monday. With TM as lead negotiator, or is it Davies, it appears our new government have no clue. It will be interesting to see the published notes of the talks early next weeks. It doesn't help that she is completely powerless. Her big threat was to walk out, but she would then face a vote of no-confidence before she was back in the UK - and quite possibly have lost it too!
Benefit of hindsight but really she should have either Gone to the country first before triggering article 50 to get herself into a position of power to do the negotiations or done the negotiations based on the fact there was a Tory majority and there wasnt an election planned until after negotiations were complete to trigger article 50 and then call an election was just dumb Problem is now EU negotiators will rip us to shreds knowing we dont know what we want, Where they are quite clear about what they want
When you look at the charge sheet: Presidential style with her advisers, alienating senior colleagues. Costly and pointless appeal to the Supreme Court re Article 50. 9 month delay in activating the same. Aggressive noises to EU thereby worsening prospects of a good UK deal. Costly and pointless general election. Loss of Tory majority due to poor manifesto and personal campaign. Meeting Queen before being certain she could raise sufficient support in HoC. Jeopardising of NI Peace Process. Brexit negotiation with no agreed position reflecting new government/loss of majority in HoC. Queen's Speech with no certainty as to what can be defended in Parliament. No action to assist less well off/ 'JAM's' despite fine words on the steps of Downing Street. Disastrous PR during election campaign - see embarrassing interview with Andrew Neil. Disastrous PR following Kensington fire. The DUP thing will not fly. 4/5 Tory soft brexiteers would overcome her even with DUP support if she fails to give way on hard brexit. Portillo is right - you can't possibly imagin her lasting until October.
She clearly is a dead woman walking, she might last until October but not beyond, trouble is there is no decent candidate to replace her - the only one who commands any respect isnt a UK parliament MP. This would be bad enough at the best of times but to be so screwed up when conducting the most important negotiation in the last 50 years is unbelievable. To nick a quote I read somewhere - "How on earth are we going to unfὐck this!"
Agree with every one of your points 100% ORS. I would add " Folly of bad mouthing the Leader of the Opposition whose popularity increased as the campaign progressed. Failure to fully cost their manifesto. Failure to spot that a lot of young people registered to vote thus having a large influence of the outcome of the election , the numerous U turns followed by the ludicrous claims that nothing had changed and the insistence on using the words Strong and Stable every time she opened her mouth. Apart from all of that she had an absolute blinder.! They daren't get shut just yet. They will wait for the right moment and then dump her. Regarding 13 IMO it would have been pointless letting her meet the local people of Kensington caught up in this tragedy . On the grounds of personal safety I would have thought that the Police would have advised against it.
Ideally forcing the honorable member for Surrey South West to fall on his sword to create a vacancy in a safe seat?
According to a poll the other day, the other leading contenders (Gove, Davies, Hammond, Johnson, etc) are all even less popular than May is and would all see the Conservatives lower in the opinion polls. If May is the best of the bad lot (and their own election campaign ran on that premise) then deity of choice help us all.
They might all be Tories, but I think we can all agree that there is a big difference between the views of Ken Clarke and Rees-Mogg on Europe, or IDS and anyone with a soul on benefits. In other words, they're all turds, but some flush better than others.
Brexit talks got under way today. Apparently according to commentators on the Daily Politics EU representatives look to be " underwhelmed" by the UK's opening offer.! I've always thought if Cameron walked away " titty lipped" because he didn't secure what he thought was a fair deal when he was PM how is Theresa May hoping to to fare any better.? Regarding the " Coalition" it's now looking more unlikely by the day that a deal can be struck with the DUP. They are demanding £2 billion for their support which along with the risk of de-stabilising the Good Friday Peace agreement could prove unpalatable.!
The EU made a much more generous offer to guarantee British people living in the Eus rights 2 months ago. Full rights with no provisos. So I doubt they are impressed and presume they will reject.
I really dont see any issue with the guarantee to all Brits living in Europe and Europeans living in Britain to keep the rights they already have, I dont think even most of the Brexiteers want to take away rights from Europeans already living here so I dont understand why the tories made the offer they did with the 5 years rubbish