Headlines screaming.... "Fruit and veg farmers facing migrant labour shortages" BBC and others obviously linking this to Brexit and the weak pound (reducing foreign workers money which they often send home.) This totally ignores the fact that we have currently around 560,000 16-24 year olds unemployed. many probably on jobseekers allowance. Don't give me all the crap about 'they don't want seasonal work, they want full time jobs" as there are a number who simply don't want to work. Period!. We are talking about 80,000 workers needed for the seasonal harvests. Even putting aside the fact that many of the 560,000 may not be suited to the rigours of the admittedly quite physical work there are many who are simply work shy. Stop blaming Brexit, stop blaming governments and recognise there are many out there who think that type of work work is beneath them and prefer to sit on their arses and claim benefits. Strangely years ago a lot of young people, people including students, 6th formers etc used to go fruit picking etc during the holidays to earn some extra cash and also for their holidays. I cannot see why the Job centres cannot work with the fruit growers and offer work to suitable unemployed candidates. If they refuse work as are the rules then stop their benefits. Obviously some people who cannot temporarily re-locate, for example with dependents, could be exempted but there are many who could and be guaranteed a minimum wage and earn more than they would on the dole. The Govt could also guarantee that those people where additional benefits might be affected by them working would not lose out. We had the land army during the war and it is about time the 'something for nothing' culture in Britain changed. I know the growers complain that UK workers are less productive than foreign workers but extra numbers could compensate and a govt subsidy would still save the state benefits money. Shirkers could be reported and their benefits and/or pay reduced or suspended. The same argument could be applied to Jobseekers. Circa £70 paid weekly so they do 7-10 hours community work and that gives them the rest of the week to look for work . I know a a few older people who had good jobs and were made redundant and are on jobseekers allowance. none of them objected when I asked them if they would do that sort of work if it was properly organised. About time people took responsibility instead of blaming the state for everything- Tin hat time .... over to you........
Just indulge me by answering this question - when you read an article or see a headline or whatever, and then you have an opinion on said article, what makes you think "I'll go straight on the Barnsley FC BBS Fans Forum and tell people what I think about this"?
Ignoring your 'Arbeit macht frei' beliefs. You'd have to pay them minimum wage at least, which most season migrants are not being paid, in fact they're probably working for far, far less.
Have a day off. You live in a beautiful country with nice snap and wine. Turn the ******* computer off and enjoy life
There are plenty of political forums about but you chose to come on here which is supposed to be bfc fans forum. You hardly ever post about bfc give it a rest corbyn lost he gained 4 more seats than Gordon Brown did in a disastrous campaign. Who do you hope we bring in this week then? Lindsay? Mcgeehan?
Their main issue would be paying them the minimum wage rather than whatever dodgy methods they currently use.Time has moved on since students picked em in the holidays and were taken advantage of. Now they have to pay em properly.
How many of the unemployed youth actually live in the rural areas where workers are needed? Not many farms in the middle of large cities. Why just the youths? Why not get the out of work 50+ out there too? Probably more of them in rural areas than the young?
So do many others with Left wing / Pro Corbyn views. I don't see you objecting to their posts. I wonder why? Most of the time I post in response yo others.
Arbiet Macht frei.???.. What a muppet you are. Also if you bothered to read the OP I did state at least minimum wage and ensure they would not lose out through work. I suppose you are another one that thinks about rights and not responsibility. What is wrong with working. It also enables people who have not worked in a while to a) get back into the routine and b) enables them to get a reference which always helps if you want to get a job. No wonder the country is in a mess with people like you.
See my response to Conan Troutman. Strange how it is acceptable to make political posts (and there have been many) so long as they are pro Labour anti Conservative. Also where does this OP mention Corbyn? If you have evidence that they are paying below minimum wage why do't you report them?
Not likely to take advice from an adherent of a failed and discredited ideology. Too hot for pasta anyway ...Greek salad looking more likely
I'm not a neo-liberalist. Seriously, have a day off from posting political stuff. Tell us your BFC memories or summat. You're free to post what you want of course, but it's ALWAYS Brexit. None of us give a ****. It's happened and we're leaving. End of.
Because I have zero interest to be honest. Anyhow what do you think of Liam Lindsay? New Allan Hanson or more Paul McGugan?