I am criticised for not posting enough about football but why should I when we have such a 'Font of all Knowledge' on footballing matters. Step forward Hemsworth Tyke. Is this guy really a Barnsley fan ? Jeez! I have never come across anyone so constantly critical of all things BFC. everyone is entitled to their opinion and could understand it if it wasn't for the fact we currently have the best young manager I can remember since I started following them.
He can be frustrating at times but he is knowledgeable about some aspects of football. He follows the young players both ours and others and is a good source of info. He just lacks realism about our position in the great scheme of things.
Is he though, or is it just because most of us don't have a clue about the younger players? Anyone who doesn't know anything about BFC may think he's well informed and accurate about the senior team but that's clearly not the case. Just because he goes to the youth games and has an opinion on them doesn't mean it's a good or useful one.
I think constructive criticism is a good thing. However, constantly focusing on the negatives even when there are more positives is damaging and tiresome. I used to feel a bit sorry for him as he'd post a fairly mundane (and possibly justifiable if after a poor performance) bit of criticism and get slated for it over 6 pages. But he just brings it upon himself these days.
You both have strong and unpopular opinions on matters that you constantly hammer home. However, only one of you posts about Barnsley FC related matters on a Barnsley FC forum. I'm unsure what impact that has on whose posts are the most tedious. On one side, we all care about BFC and want to discuss them so obviously more people become upset about Hemsy's opinions that they don't agree with and feel strongly about. On the flip side, his posts are at least relevant to the board they are posted on.
He knows more than me but that's not saying much! To be fair most of the stuff he's said about the young players I know anything about seem pretty on the ball to me.
Yes I'd agree with that. There are some on here that are obviously far dafter than Hemsy will ever be.
A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty.! It's a difficult period for the Reds but I for one am highly optimistic that the signings made thus far can adapt to our style of play and hopefully with yet more to come our fans will get the opportunity to see a cohesive unit that plays fast attractive football in the true traditions of Barnsley FC. C'mon Yew Reds.