Just a quickie..

Discussion in 'Bulletin Board' started by YTBFC, Jun 23, 2017.

  1. Hem

    Hemsworth Tyke Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2008
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    Wasn't planning on posting on here today with seemingly no news out of the club.

    Can I just say, what I've posted isn't personal it's just what people are saying. If the club want to put out comments that totally opposite then okay but I will remember what's been said and call out the bs of that. That's not bad but just how things go. If I after be unpopular with people that I've never met and really I'd like to keep it that way then that's fine with me. I'll take up the boards Piers Morgan role and call people out that's fine.

    The only person that could have taken anything badly would be Andy and clearly, he doesn't. I've just said what I think on this. I look on the new I follow and don't see much. The interview type video can be shot and upload in imagine an hour dependent on the Internet and the goal one 3 hours max?

    Also I don't care about anyone's personal life on here so don't ask me about mine.
  2. YTB

    YTBFC Guest

    If you seriously think the interview with McGeehan, then the editing and upload was an hours job, you are obviously in dream land matey. It isn't 21st Century Fox. And if folk are struggling to get iFollow to work at their end, you can imagine what a ball ache it is for us at our end. Like navigating the Thames in a storm on an inner tube whilst suffering from the sh*ts.

    It's a three hour job. Would be less had we just gone with a straight, one camera shot with nothing in between. But we did that all last season and felt this season we'd like to up our game and make them more interesting to watch.

    The goal video is far, far longer a process. But because I am sometimes given an heads up in advance that a player 'might' be a potential signing, I can get ahead and create such videos in advance so they're ready to release pretty much within half an hour of a signing. I created that McGeehan goal video last weekend on my day off. However, I've made a few videos that will never see the light of day because the player never signed. It is what it is.

    And on occasion signings drop without my knowledge and then I'm rushing like a mad man to compile something quickly.

    In amongst all this, I have many other tasks that my role encompasses as do my colleagues. I don't just sit there waiting to interview folk or create videos. I won't list every job I have to do because I'd be here all afternoon.

    Perhaps you should indeed come to Oakwell next week and shadow us in the media team? It might give you an insight into how we work, what we are up against and how we overcome the odds.

    Let me know.
    JLWBigLil, Stahlrost and Bossman like this.
  3. JLWBigLil

    JLWBigLil Well-Known Member

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    You were right to say the other week we'd be in for an exciting Summer, Andy, old mate.:D
  4. Bossman

    Bossman Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2009
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    I know its probably pointless me saying this Phil and I'm not having a go mate but one of the things that gets people's back up is the constant berating of the club, it wouldn't be so bad if your criticism was constructive but you're like a dog with a bone, then when you are proven wrong on a subject (which we all are at times) you manipulate it into a different direction. I've met you and had a beer with you on many occasion and I know you're a cracking lad. It just seems that you constantly compare us with other teams but these said teams that you choose are usually incomparable IE: Chelsea, Man City, Liverpool, and to be fair if you compared us with every team in the league right across board on how we're run I think you'll see we come out pretty damn good, on whiteys own admission our club isn't perfect but they're learning every day and show me a club that is, I know I'm pretty much wasting my time with this post but I really wish you'd stop taking everything so literally that Hecky and his staff say, have you ever said that you could murder a bacon sarnie, doesn't mean you going to go out and murder a pig does it?.
    shed131 and tobyornottoby like this.
  5. JamDrop

    JamDrop Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2013
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    I think this is a great idea and would be fantastic for Phil. Not only so that he can get a real insight as to what happens but would surely be an opportunity I imagine he would love as he's clearly passionate about BFC and has an interest in the media side of things. An exclusive 'behind the scenes' pass would be a great chance. Now I don't know anything about Phil's personal life or needs but I'm sure something could be arranged as needed to make it possible.

    An an aside, why don't you have a go at making your own things Phil? That's how Andy started out, doing amateur stuff in his spare time that gained a lot of interest and landed him this job. Even if you only ever plan on doing it as a hobby and have no interest of taking it further.
    shed131, Andy Mac and Bossman like this.
  6. LDR

    LDRed Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2008
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    There you go Phil, you have JamDrop's approval.
  7. Bossman

    Bossman Well-Known Member

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    To be fair John I think JamDrop is right, it's an excellent idea,
    shed131 likes this.
  8. YTB

    YTBFC Guest

    I've found it so, so far. But we are still a small fish in this big pond so it's controlled excitement rather than getting carried away.

    Hecky will build a very exciting young squad and whether it gels instantly or quickly I do not know. It could take time, and it might cost us, I can never know either way. None of us can.

    But I find it exciting. I have found each new player to be very intelligent and saying all the right things. It's not just talent or potential that Paul looks for, he wants the right characters too. That isn't easy to marry, and you might end up with a couple of wrong uns. The only player I found to be a wrong un last season left for Wednesday and character aside, he was an unbelievable player. So you can carry one or two if they perform where it really matters, ont pitch.

    Gauthier has been a breath of fresh air to work under thus far and over time the whole club will only get better. With superb take up of season tickets so far, with support from the stands and a real 'in it together' feel at Oakwell next season who knows what we might achieve?

    I get that last season was hard to stomach seeing us flatline after January. It gutted me as much as the next man. Reporting and working a 3-0 win at Birmingham, a 4-0 thrashing of Wolves and another home win over Leeds is much more enjoyable than going down to Bristol or Fulham and returning with nothing. But it was the end of a cycle. Those players served us superbly and should always be looked upon as heroes. But they were always going to move on. The club will never pay anyone a salary that can compete with clubs like Villa, Wednesday, QPR or Norwich. It's daft to believe otherwise. We got promotion, a cup win and goals galore out of some of those players, paying them peanuts relative to the division. Their current clubs have so far got very little from them whilst paying them Premier League wages. We are winning. I firmly believe that.

    Let us hope and support them in hoping that this new batch, that this cycle will be just as successful and exciting. The short term goal for our club upon promotion was safety. But beyond that you want to see us compete week in, week out. Who can tell me that we didn't compete last season? How many times were we embarrassed and beaten before a ball was kicked?

    The second season is always going to be harder. Can we kick on or at the least stay competitive and achieve safety. Or will it be too tough an ask? We shall see. Exciting.
  9. ryhilltyke

    ryhilltyke Well-Known Member

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    I'm off to Portugal on Thursday, but I'm off on Wednesday too. Phil you have just been offered an insight into the media teams working day. Take up Andy's offer. I would.
    If you don't, you really can't say you haven't been offered the chance to see the great work these people do.
  10. Hem

    Hemsworth Tyke Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2008
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    It's just me wanting the best for the club. If I see things that might old the club back it annoys me. I think I get almost obsessed with things. If I get interested in something I want to learn everything. Around 2003/2004 I went from not haveing a clue about cricket really to been able to understand all the different aspects of the sport. I do it in everything. I think it's normal for others but others do it in other says. People get almost obsessed with series on Netflix or whatever I think and just blitz 5 series in about 2 week.
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  11. Hem

    Hemsworth Tyke Well-Known Member

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    Will I be safe with the media people. Haha if people react like this on here what will they think
  12. Bossman

    Bossman Well-Known Member

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    There's nothing wrong in wanting to learn and expand your knowledge mate it's a fantastic asset to have, you've also got to understand that the media team and the mangement team are also learning and will never stop learning but when you're are doing your best with what you've got to work with and folk are continually pulling you down it can get irritating. I like many others on here appreciate that we are probably punching above our weight in terms of finances and the calibra of player we can attract but we are making damn good go at it and that should be celebrated rather than attacked, we all want the same thing at the end of the day Phil so carry on learning and carry on criticising if it's warranted but also balance that up with the many many positives this club you support is offering you.
    JLWBigLil likes this.
  13. Bossman

    Bossman Well-Known Member

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    Take up the offer pal, I reckon you'd enjoy it
    JLWBigLil likes this.
  14. JamDrop

    JamDrop Well-Known Member

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    Genuinely go for it Phil. They'll look after you and show you around and give you an insight into what they do. I've never met you in real life but lots of people who have reckon you're great to talk to. You could always commit initially to an hour or two to get a feel for the place and see how you get on.
    JLWBigLil, Metatarsal and Bossman like this.
  15. fit

    fitzytyke2 Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2016
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    Andy, could my lad come in for a few hours? He's doing sports journalism at uni, but he's at a loose end until they go back.

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  16. Met

    Metatarsal Well-Known Member

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    Take up the offer HT, I'd be like a kid in a sweet shop given such an opportunity. Go in with your eyes wide open, and no pre conceived ideas of what things should be like or what to expect.

    There's something about being given access like this. Nearly two years ago I was fortunate enough to work for 7 weeks with the medical teams at the Rugby World Cup. I can say without doubt it's the most rewarding thing I've done in my working life. A real eye opener too, close contact with players, officials, media, pitchside access during matches, seeing what is actually involved behind the scenes. If I thought I knew half of what was involved beforehand, the truth was it was nearer 10%.

    Go for it mate. I bet most of us on here would snatch their hand off given a similar offer.

    Sent from my SM-T710 using Tapatalk
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  17. Andy Mac

    Andy Mac Well-Known Member

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    I worked at the RWC too. Did a lot of the IT stuff and was based at Twickenham for 6 months or so. An unbelievable amount of work goes on to host a show like that and I was genuinely gobsmacked, whilst at the same time chuffed to work in such a setup.

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  18. Met

    Metatarsal Well-Known Member

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    Fantastic, couldn't sum it up better than that.

    There was a guy in IT whom I liaised with regularly when planning for our radiology service, I think it was Simon Ingham, top bloke. Amazing how things come together when everyone involved pulls in the same direction.

    Sent from my SM-T710 using Tapatalk
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  19. YTB

    YTBFC Guest

    Tell him to email media@barnsleyfc.co.uk. As it stands, all placements for students at clubs have been finalised for the coming season but there's no harm in him making contact with us and getting his name down. We gave a dozen or so students a matchday over last season where they'd come and shadow us, film bits and pieces, write something, whatever they liked. To help with their courses. All experience isn't it?

    Despite the offer to Phil, we can't just bring any random person into the office to shadow us during our day to day work. There are confidentiality issues as I'm sure you can imagine, especially right now. I am willing to look beyond that for Phil and give him a little behind the scenes look if he's interested.

    I used to be very critical of the club in years gone by. I would change a lot of what I once said now I've got the facts. But I was correct in saying the media side could be massively improved and over the last two years that's been proven.

    I have zero issue with Phil and his opinions on our club or even our media work. So nobody has to pull him up for digging at us. I am more than capable of answering him and trying to educate where I can. I know folk have real issues with him but as I have said for years, I have met the lad, spent actual time with him and I know his heart is in the right place and I wish there were thousands more like him who put so much into the club be that money or time. It's nobody else's business where his money or time comes from. If you don't appreciate his views ignore or debate him. But please don't give him abuse, not on my behalf. We all love the club in our own ways.

    End of sermon.
    shed131, BobT and Metatarsal like this.
  20. Hem

    Hemsworth Tyke Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2008
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    Hi Andy. If you want to sort something out I'll come in. I put the things I do because I feel you won't take it badly. I'm not a bully

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