Who is the worst public speaker I've ever heard. Time for people to get on board or go form their own party. Sent from my iPad using Barnsley FC BBS Fan Forum mobile app
Agree JC. Putting his own ambitions above the parties is not on. Bit of a setback but I think there are still some capable MP's within the Labour ranks to cover for the four who have gone. Daily Mail headline is " Labour in meltdown" referring to the 49 MP's who defied orders not to back a "soft" Brexit. In a way they could be admired for at least having the courage of their own or their constituents convictions.! However given that we have a " Bung " Parliament Corbyn was accused of trying to face both ways on Europe and for some it might have an affect on his new found credibility and political ambition. (Can't see any reference to the two U turns the Tories did yesterday on the public sector pay cap but hey ho.!) Has it damaged Labours chances of forming a Government.? Who knows? In a way it might be best to let May and her entourage make a complete Horlicks of things so that Labour with or without JC at the helm has the chance to step in and deliver the pledges made in their manifesto which to my mind as was claimed, seemed to have something for the majority and not just the minority.
Churchill became Prime Minister when he was 65 years and 162 days. Yes he was re-elected at a later date, but that's not what I was getting at. Corbyn would become the oldest elected. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Prime_Ministers_of_the_United_Kingdom_by_age
I'm an old lovely person that works in music. Everyone under 30 loves Jez. There will be a proper Labour Government soon.
f.w.i.w I personally dont think the tories want to be in government, They haven;t a clue on brexit, going to cost business and Jobs, and know its a poisened chalise- Look at their manifesto at the election, Cut pensioners rises- the blue rinse set that would vote tory, if it was a monkey as M.P, hit back. They Lost Cantabury and Kensington to us. They are not stupid and knew the impact it would make on them. May Not taking part in public debates, nothing from fat Boris etc.etc. No change to public service funding etc, tax cuts for the rich- look at the law now on capital gains, corperation tax, and inheritance tax. Yet some traditional safe labour seat voters fell to the tories!!!. The tory press, SKYNews, aka Murdock using his influence again, hoping to get SKY as a reward!!! An alliance with DUP fascists -imho they had no need to -they hate JC more, would never vote for labour amendments. Just done for a political statement for us to attack. The abortion ruling for N.I. cost 100 million they say but no assisted accomodation, Travel allowance etc. But parliament could iF they so wish make it law for N.I.. Hospitals to provide this service -when N.I. returns to Westminster rule, and it will. Sein Fein will not give in to DUP, who can blame them. Their leader got burnt giving away cheap fires etc. and still no apology. The Tories have done this several times over the years- looked after their own, run services down.- Sell our assets to private companies even though making money for the country (B.T. water, electricity, B. Rail, and post office with this lot) then when the crunch comes heads for the hills. This time i hope that the English electorate see through this,
Now now. Stop lying. Churchill was only elected PM once, in 1951 when he was almost 77. When he first became PM, in 1940, he was asked to do so by George VI to replace Chamberlain. There was no election as it was wartime. It was an appointment. Therefore he wasn't re-elected at a later date. He was only elected PM once, aged 76 in 1951, therefore disproving your claims that "Oldest UK elected Prime Minister was Viscount Palmerston back in 1855. He was 70" and " he (Churchill) was re-elected at a later date".
OK, when Churchill first became Prime Minister in 1940-1945 he was 62 years, 204 days. Appointed / Elected, it was his first time as Prime Minister. The second being 1951-1955. Point being, the oldest person to first become the UK Prime Minister was Viscount Palmerston at 70 years, 109 days. Corbyn would top that if he were to be PM in 5 years time. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Prime_Ministers_of_the_United_Kingdom_by_age
No he wouldn't factually Churchill would remain the oldest elected PM . Elected and appointed are completely different things. Sent from my iPad using Barnsley FC BBS Fan Forum mobile app