my dads got a letter today telling him hes won on the post code lottery, were getting picked up a week on Saturday to be taken to wentworth woodhouse to find out how much hes won. fingers crossed its a decent amount
Must be a decent sum IMO. Depending how you pay to enter the draw if you win they send an e-Mail telling you how much you've won and then pay it into your account. If you're being picked up to go to Wentworth Woodhouse you'll probably be offered some plonk. All the signs are there your Dads going to kop for a decent wedge. Good luck with that barry. Hope your Dad enjoys his day.!
he lives in Bolton-on-dearne, s63 8 post code, they've phoned him today to make sure he could attend and all they've told him is they cant confirm the amount until on the day fingers crossed its the big one, I'm going with him so cant wait
Looking at most of the previous millions winners, they have at least scooped 2 grand a piece. but some upto about 500K... Good luck to him