For those interested, the Reds Report is back and this week available to all over on iFollow. I've tried to jazz it up a little, so it's not just audio now, it has little video interludes etc. Will be looking to improve it as the season goes on. Let us know what you think. And get in touch with the lads on twitter @BFCRedsReport if you want to go on the show. Ta.
Because I'm a Barnsley Fan. Can't wait to go on Tuesday night and watch a kick about on a field with a 1000? other Barnsley fans.
Looking forward to the night myself How long does it take to guisley from barnsley if setting off at 5pm ? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I am not sure there will be any, mate. It wasn't an actual friendly in normal terms, but a practise match on a training pitch. It's now my weekend off and probably my last for a while so don't take offence if I'm not online to answer stuff the next day or two. Enjoy your weekend. I'll be at Guiseley and Penistone next week, we are getting closer to the proper action.
Is there any way this could be made available to download for subscribers? I don't often get time to listen when I'm at home but would definitely listen if I could download for my commute. Appreciate that might be difficult. Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
Not feeling the love for having to subscribe (pay) to see the majority of the video clips in iFollow. I understand paying for live matchday commentary or game replays. But clips which suppose to connect with the fans should be to all fans, not just the one who pay a premium. I already pay for season tickets and Centenary. But now it seems if I want to follow and support my club, I have to pay an additional £50 a year. @YTBFC Take a look at Orlando City's app called 'LionNation' that's the type of content I'd expect without subscription. It's only the live streams, that they charge as Premium content.
I agree with this actually, even as a paid subscriber. I was more than willing to pay for live commentary of all matches, extended highlights, full match replays and some exclusive interviews, I don't think all the little bits are necessary to make my subscription worth it. As I can just log in and watch them it hadn't really occured to me that 'regular' fans must be feeling a bit frustrated at everything going on there. Hopefully, the option Whitey mentioned about whether to put things behind a payment wall or not will help. There's definitely some content on there, which whilst ok to watch, isn't what I'd call 'Premium' and are things that would previously have been put on the club's Youtube channel..
A hell of a lot of stuff seems to be space fillers. Take match days, The behind the scenes stuff. Players getting off the bus, walking to changing room. is anyone actually interested in that,? like big wow.... Also the pre-match shots at goal... just look around the ground, There's no one there, the ground is empty. if folk were that interested they'd watch it live... As for Chris n Carlo... all a bit safe now its been taken in house.. All the alternative opinion and speak your mind form the YM, is now nothing more than. Tame club propaganda and self congratulations on how well everybody is doing... sold its soul Just my opinion.. take it , leave it, throw it in the bin.... who cares
Chris and Carlo come across like two sound blokes. But in truth there's not much here to "report" on? And I can't help wondering if a widely available free website wouldn't help generate more interest and ST sales than a limited access pay for site. Just a thought, like.
The Reds Report was free yesterday. No subscription necessary. As were one or two others. But I completely agree. I think only the Full Match Replays, extended highlights, pre-match and post-match interviews should be behind the paywall. With this new platform, we have the capacity to choose what goes behind the paywall. You didn't get that choice with Player. So whilst I am sort of scratching my head a little, because there's way more free content available to fans on our website and our youtube channel than ever before, especially in the last year or so, I do agree that certain content ought to be free full stop. And so I can only promise you I'll put my opinion across at our next meeting. Can't say fairer than that. I'd urge folk though to compare our iFollow content since launch to that of the other FL Clubs. Ditto our youtube channel.
Not sure if this is related or not but it's ifollow so I'll go with it. With the new overseas video thing I assume that means there is a way on ifollow for you to show live streams. If so would it be possible or practical show a live stream of the match day on the UK version but with the video aspect cutting out when the game gets under way? It could be quite good for people unable to make the game to watch all the build up live and feel like they're in the stadium even if it has to cut out when the game kicks off.
There's no way for 'us' to show live streams. It's all run by those behind iFollow (NeuLion). So that'd be a no. Sorry.
Fair enough. Why do I get the feeling that the people who make these things never actually think about what they are going to be used for