Any up date on the injury...looked to me to be a bad one....possible career threatening injury if ever i saw
Not sure mate, I'll keep everyone posted if I hear anything. Not sure I'll be able to sleep tonight. Just gruesome. EDIT: From the video description: "Momomomo (the momo who got injured, the last one) will be replaced with Mimo for the rest of this ML." #PrayForMomomomo
It's been a disastrous Marblelympics for me. The Kobalts didn't even qualify and now the Oceanics are proving to be rubbish. Still, rather be a real fan of a real team than sit at home in front of the tv with a Team Primary shirt on,
I've added him to my thoughts healing to momomome and the family.....they shoot race horses with career threatening injuries. ..mmm wonder if they will melt hin down or will he bounce back and enter the bycicle race talking re- cycling