It's definitely an issue, though even if there are some restrictions placed, I doubt it would be applied retrospectively to people already employed here.
I'd quite like a Vin Chaud at half time when its a bit nippy - be better than bovril. And can we start doing some of those nice patisserie such as tarte aux Framboises - better than a sausage roll
Well done on insulting the new chief exec. Perhaps he was the best candidate for the job? No How disrespectful and rude can you get! You know next to nothing about the man yet you think it's acceptable to say that he wasn't the best man for the job. What the hell are you basing that on? And then to end your post by claiming the job is easy and that anyone can do it. You really are low at times and an absolute hypocrite too
I agree - I just cant see us forcing anyone already employed here before we actually leave the EU to give up their job, and the FA are hardly likely to take on UEFA and insist we limit the number of European players in squads It might make it harder to tempt them over though - I know its different but for example the number of nurses coming to the UK from the EU has fallen by 96% and there is no doubt that many Europeans will now view moving to the UK a lot less favourably than before
Good. The less immigrants the better. Kick them all out I say. Yours in sport Kirsten Farage (on behalf of our Nige)
As you are new on here - the comment about Don Rowing counting shirts was a joke. It was something I saw Don doing and commented about it at the time. I know TinaTyke found it funny back then.
You dont have to be a fully capped international player to be able to move abroad. You just apply for a work permit. As it should be, proof of self-sufficiency etc.