We are on course for a disastrous outcome regarding Brexit IMO. Regarding the financial exit penalty , Johnson has done those prospects the world of good by telling the EU that " they can go and whistle."! Why can't he keep his opinions to himself.? What a buffoon that bloke is.
A quite brilliant analysis of the current financial cliff-edge facing the country. Unfortunately, the press will just wheel out the 'scaremongering' headlines so beloved of the leave-voters; they'll lap it up, again, and nothing will change. Of course, the Tories will blame Labour.
Thanks for thoroughly depressing me. I cant think of a single thing in that article that isn't accurate, even the most ardent brexiteers must admit the way we are handling leaving is disastrous. Unfortunately we will all ultimately suffer. Most telling is the fact that the leading Brexiteers in the tory party dont want to go anywhere near the leadership until Brexit has been thorougly cocked up presumably so they can say it wasn't there fault and continue with their careers in whats left of our country
I was talking to a mate on Friday who I haven't seen for a bit who voted out mainly for reasons of immigration. He said if I knew then what I know now I would have voted differently. I was surprised at this given how vehement he was at the time. I think everyone is realising the **** storm that it will create. Sent from my iPad using Barnsley FC BBS Fans Forum
Just one thought that is occuring to me - is it that May is still really a remainer and trying to make such a hash of things that in a few months things will be such a mess we will have no option but to beg to the EU that we stay in after all. She is certainly carrying on in a way that makes that look plausible Im not serious by the way - I dont think she is that clever or courageous
My argument is that both sides voted on lies,mistruths whatever you want to call them from both camps. Once the true conditions are agreed or imposed ,another vote should be arranged based on facts.
The thing is, there is no actual way we can stay in now and avoid civil unrest I'm afraid I voted remain but I'm hopeful we can make a success of life after the EU
Personally speaking I am not especially in favour of the EU. It is the concentration of capitalism and prevents/ makes very difficult things like nationalising the rail industry that any sane govt would do. Also the impact of of the TTiP is imo terrifying http://www.independent.co.uk/voices...-why-the-answer-should-scare-you-9779688.html I voted remain in spite of this because I thought it was the best thing for the country. Regardless of facts people would like me being vote on instinct. I think a further referendum would only be valuable based on the terms of leaving with If those terms being rejected we stay. The MSM would never allow an objective analysis a rerun which just result in the same dog whistle politics rendering it pointless. All imo of course. The way the tories are running it is of course based on an appeal to UKIP and is awful and will result in making us all poorer. Its ridiculous and they need stopping. Sent from my iPad using Barnsley FC BBS Fan Forum mobile app
I can't say I buy into that argument. What if there's civil unrest If we take our toys home and walk away with no deal as the right wing press and the right wing of the Conservative Party want us to so they can create their low pay no terms and conditions tax haven. You can't base policy on that. Sent from my iPad using Barnsley FC BBS Fan Forum mobile app
I voted remain but with the conflicting information of what would happen either way wasn't too sure . I may have voted leave if I had been armed with the facts but untill they are negotiated we will not know that's why I think armed with the true facts from the negotiations I believe we should have a true referendum.
Do you mean on the terms of our exit? I can't see a situation where the pros and cons of leaving could ever be discussed logically or factually. Murdoch and Dacre and Farage and the right wing tories would never allow it to happen. We could vote factually on the terms of leaving but I can't see any other kind of vote being productive Sent from my iPad using Barnsley FC BBS Fan Forum mobile app
If the economy goes TU and people find themselves without free health care and education because tax revenues are down the swanny we'll see civil unrest alright.
and blame it all on immigrants, benefit claimants, Corbyn, greedy teachers, nurses etc yadda yadda yadda
I voted remain as I thought its just going to get messy . There was no way the EU were going to give us an easy ride on leaving its gang . Its a shot in the dark , no-one had any idea what we were letting ourselves in for and as no politician has any experience in negotiating leaving there was always going to be tears . Better the devil you know and all that .
Given that I work in services (which accounts for ~40% of our exports to the EU and needs FoM to continue), and I (and my family) will as of 1/4/19 have less opportunity to live and work than my friends or colleagues who were born in the EU and live in the UK (or born in the UK and currently live in the EU) then I cannot see how I personally can stay in this country after we exit the EU. I cannot see anyone on the Tory front bench (or back benches) that has the required skills, vision or ability to make anything of Brexit other than a monumental car crash that works just for the 1% while the rest of us struggle ever more with increasing living costs, decreasing wages and the inevitable loss of significant numbers of full-time jobs. On the day of the vote, I made a flippant comment to a group of friends that we as a country might be better voting out, just so that people can find out exactly how bad it will be and to finally shut up the likes of Farage forever. I think it is an important, but very hard lesson that the Leave voters have to learn and it will have many negative impacts on the country for the next generations before we inevitably rejoin. I don't see any other long-term future than the UK ending up with either the Euro or the Dollar as our currency. On the personal side, it has finally given me the encouragement to go for my dream of living and working abroad. There are no guarantees it will work, and my plans are still in the early days (I have to learn a language to a decent level) but I no longer see myself living in this country much past this time next year when my daughter has finished her A levels.
Giving up our currency makes no sense at all. Unfortunately when we try to rejoin the EU in a few years time coming back like the proverbial prodigal son it will be a condition of re-entry, which would be a bad thing for us - we benefited immensely by not being part of the Euro allowing us to control our interest rates appropriate to UK conditions which aren't necessarily the same as Germany