It's people who feed their 2 year old spaghetti bolognese then feel the need to show the whole of Facebook. "oh he's so messy hahaha" Hes 2. It's spaghetti bolognese. **** off.
Overrated Nandoes Paninins Cook In Sauces Lukaku East Stand Seats London TV Underrated Agree with Cardamoms, I use them all the time and they never get a Indian Cookery Home baked bread Garlic Owning a dog, especially a Border Collie ! Greece and its sheer beauty Meditatiom Creatively cooking Yorkshire Pork Pie Yorkshire itself.
Overrated... The Plan Underrated.. Hecky.. Oh, and proper Chi tea.. Intellect of most Barnsley fans..
Under rated Yellow eyed snug flies Ceefax John Dennis Balsa Wood Heartburn Ear Wax Owen Archdeacon's childhood Over rated Sobriety Work Money Rugby Death
You get to choose the level of spiciness with piri piri sauce. And that's about it. Went for the first time a few months ago expecting something quite good. What with the constant raving everyone does. One word. ***** Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
Totally agree. Same goes for McDonald's, KFC, Costa Coffee, Starbucks. Hate all that stuff. Over priced overhyped crap.
Overrated ASK Italian. Chocolate orange based desserts. "The X Bible" pages on Facebook. Strawberry and lime cider Underrated Scarborough Rum and Raisin ice cream Womfest
Overrated: The dangers from fracking. The anti-frackers in tarn today - thick as pig 5hit. Me: "What's wrong with fracking, it'll bring down our energy costs won't it?" Them: "They use chemicals to extract the gas." Me: "What chemicals?" Them: "Toxic chemicals." Me: "What toxic chemicals?" Them "chemicals with toxins in" Me: "what are the chemicals and what are the toxins?" Them: "Umm, err, erm, umm; I don't know". Underrated: The power of facts and substantive information when you're trying to win over an argument. They made Diane Abbott's police numbers interview look like a MENSA debate.
What's it matter what toxic chemicals they use? I also highly doubt costs will fall. Profits will simply rise.
They couldn't tell me what chemicals are used so I can't question whether they're toxic or not! As for profits rising, simple, TAX IT and use the revenues to pay off Student Fee debts.