There are horrible parallels with Heysel here. Like ST says the scum who were fighting at the game will blame anything and everything but their own actions for this.
I guarantee that the police will be blamed by the fans for using tear gas which caused the stampede. The fact that they used tear gas to control thugs will be ignored. I know it's a touchy subject but I've said it before it annoys me that regarding Hillsborough not a single fan has ever said 'oh **** my behaviour contributed to this'. Now obviously I'm taking no blame away from the police at all but ignoring fan behaviour on that day itself hooligans contributed to the disaster. Hooligans from Liverpool, from all clubs, from Barnsley FC. Hooligans at oakwell in the 70s and 80s contributed to the Hillsborough disaster because their behaviour led to the way police saw football fans and shaped the way they were dealt with but not one single person will admit that the blood of those 96 people is on their hands indirectly. Namely because a lot of people refuse to see the bad in themselves
I agree. I was discussing this with another fan a couple of weeks ago. He was happy to blame the police for all the problems at football. He couldn't see that the behaviour of a minority of fans at football led to fences going up and contributed to decent fans being kettled and treated with suspicion by the police.
I'd have thought a sensible policy on stopping the perpetrators and cancelling events if order could not be maintained ,rather than erect death traps snaring the mostly innocent sport loving punters , but hey ho.
I'm not saying it was the right thing to do but it was done to react to the events of the time. We'll never see them return and rightly so but the way football fans were viewed and treated was influenced by thugs.
Everyone agrees with that. What we are saying is that hooligan behaviour led to those death traps did it not?
Exactly because it was the easiest and cheapest thing to do by the authorities ,they let the true supporters down by their inactions. Have a couple of close relatives on the force policing blunts games ,they hadnt much interest in arresting hooligans too much paperwork ,much better in their view to crack one or two ( imo innocent or not nearest to hand ) . Those that went to court got 2-3 pound fines or mostly cautioned. Can remember train station in seventies full of Barnsley lads going to Leeds , they had as much enthusiasm of watching Leeds as the sicko suicide bomber that went to see Ariana Grande . Most fans were innocent of any wrong doing they/ we were let down by the system of the time , but yet we are told we must bear some responsibility wnen the powers that be were shirking theirs and it was out of our hands. They should have planned to keep us safe or cancelled.
The authorities erected those pens irresponsibly, Measures are in place now to curb violence at sport / leisure facilities and although nothing can be 100% proofed but along with banning orders and stiffer fines which were not in place at the time.
That wasn't the question. I didn't ask 'were pens the best cause of action and the correct response'. I asked were pens erected because of hooligan behaviour?
No Pens were erected because of the lack sensible alternatives ,an easy cheap solution. Hooligans should have been dealt with as they mostly are now