Despite his seeming unpopularity nowadays, he did win 3 landslides back to back. Something I suspect a Labour government will never do again. Ironically, I did a hidden London walk on Saturday which took in Connaught square, where he lives just off Edgeware Road. Armed guards front and back.
Blair was a Tory in Labour clothing. First 2 years were great. Rest was a revisitation of Thatcherism, as he fell in love with his own power. He then fired all the principled people & went to war, in a way Margaret Thatcher must have been proud of. I support a proper Labour Party, not one infiltrated by the Mirror, Sun & the rest of the Tory press.
Like he did in his previous attempts? The further left Labour go, the less chance it has of getting enough votes to get a majority. This last election is a prime example. Populist, but cant win centrist seats. There were lessons in the way seats were won by Blair, but I doubt they will be heeded. Baby, bathwater, return to being unelectable.
I think you give Alastair Campbell too much credit. We were fooled into following the Americans, like every other UK government has, until Cameron lost the Syria vote in parliament in 2013.
Me, and over a million people marched against the war and were ignored. He was so far up GW Bush's arse that he was lighting his farts.
This is a paradox though. The 2017 manifesto wasn't the most left wing manifesto ever, nit by any stretch, just simple social democratic policies designed to reverse the trend of teh last 40 years. This centrist nonsense, I'm sick of hearing it. The more Labour went to "centre" (which had been moved to the right by Thatcher) the less and less they have any actual purpose.
I didn't say it was far left. But it was left of centre, and despite the worst performance by a sitting prime minister to try and gain re-election in my living memory, Labour were miles from a majority. You can have whatever purpose you want, if you're unelectable, it matters not.
I don't think Blair was fooled, he embraced the opportunity to play the decisive world statesman, I believe he wanted a short sharp war victory to cement a lasting legacy...I think it's highly likely that Bush would not have gone without our support .
I had to work for many years to support my wife and kids, buy a house and run a modest car. When I once told one of my business Reps I was a Socialist he said " If you don't vote Labour in your 20's you haven't got a heart. If you don't vote Conservative by the time you're thirty you haven't got a head."! My male family members were Miners who worked very hard to make sure their kids might get an education and would not have to follow them down the pit. I have a big heart and my head still tells me to vote for Labour and it's core concepts and values. The guy who gave me the advice was brought up and still lives in Windsor and supports Norwich City. I was raised in Donny in a Mining community and support the Reds and in my eyes he's no better than me. He says he's middle to upper class. According to the BBC News Now survey I'm Middle Class......but in my heart and head I know that I am working class and what's more I'm proud of it.
The Mirror is very clearly a left leaning rag. I put it in with the other papers, as whilst it is left leaning it is still a piece of ****, full of the same tabloid crap & exactly what Corbyn's policies are against. For me all of those papers are not fit to wipe your arse on. The Express, Mail, Sun, Star, Mirror, etc just prey on the same people.
And loses elections despite a pitiful performance from the tories until Corbyns labour party remembers you needed to get more seats than the other lot before claiming you've won the Election and to win you need to attract people from outside your core support the people Corbyn claims to care about are stuck with the Tories
No party won the election. To win an election under FPTP you have to win an absolute majority. There were no winners only losers from May's vanity election. Sent from my iPad using Barnsley FC BBS Fan Forum mobile app