10 seconds into the womans football and she managed to inform me that England won the World Cup in 66. Where would I be without those very informative pundits.
No idea mate but she has just put up a graphic which shows England's route to the final v Germany. Pompous cow.
And all for £500,000 per year (or there about) for the BBC. But at least we have the satisfaction that she doesn't earn as much as men
and just loike the Murphy's you're not bitter how's life in the land of the cross dressers matey, hope you are well and enjoying life. Did I tell you I was at Wembley for the final in 66 and guess what England won. On another did you know that the Enland Rugger Buggers won the world cup in 2003... not sure if you were aware of that. guess you are gonna slap me when we next meet, but if so will you wear your checked skirt
I know mate... its just like racism.... the ones that call the racism card are almost always the ethnic races...( had to say that as you cannot even say coloured these days) by the way we stuffed you at Culloden too...
sorry fella I do not have a 'Morris Dancing' outfit.... I did try ' Morris dancing' once but fell off the bonnet and put my back out. These days, after having lived in Wales for many years now, I do possess a 'sheep ******** ' outfit..... consisting of a stout pair of wellies and errrrm .....well pretty much just that... will this do for you