I know you simply don't understand your comprehension suggest you're probably intellectually challenged
You do not have to throw personel insults at anyone to make a point as I am sure you would not do it face to face. Why not simply remark that the player in question, in your opinion, could do with improving his workrate.
Could be worse he could be Leroy Lita. Forgot it's ok to continually criticise him. Gotta love a bit of faux outrage. Sent from my iPad using Barnsley FC BBS Fan Forum mobile app
Because he's bone idle and that deserves criticism. Can't take it? Then work harder. Oh and yes if someone is a lazy ******* I will tell them that to their face and have done several times. Have done today actually.
Hard man are we, grow up & treat people with respect, courtesy costs nothing, you can get your point across without typing insults
I know people think that negativity is killing debate on this board, to my mind posts like these and the others you have made in this thread are as bad, if not worse. This is a board for supporters to give their opinions on all matters BFC. It's not for the players of BFC and it is certainly not for the hierarchy at the club. They have their own platforms. If someone has a negative opinion so be it. Same with a positive opinion. It's up to the individual where they stand. There was nothing offensive in SuperTyke's posts re Armstrong. It was a harsh critique. He just refuses to blow smoke up a player's just because he wears a Barnsley shirt.
I will say this in response, there is nothing wrong with criticism, but to call someone Bone idle, useless & a WASTE OF SPACE is not being critical its offensive .
Aye gets some stick our leroy bet he is reading the bbs on his iPhone somewhere crying into his porridge lazy players have feelings too.
Ah well he's bone idle. It is my opinion and if you don't like it then frankly I could not care less. You cannot control what people say outside of the club walls regardless of your position or title.
To get paid thousands of pounds and stroll around without putting any effort in is far more offensive imo. I work bloody hard to pay for my season ticket and I am offended that all the money I have EVER put into the club has been squandered on somebody who showed such a lack of respect for the club that he put in the limited effort that Adam Armstrong did. We aren't all rich, money means something to some of us and where I come from you have to work hard to earn your money.
We all work hard for our money for our season tickets but you are going way over the top with Armstrong, he may not have been has good as we all hoped but he was not as bad as you are making out & what do you mean, money means something to some of us , it means something to all of us, get off yer soapbox.
My opinion is that he was a bone idle waste of money. If you don't like my opinion that is your right but don't try to tell me that I am not entitled to that opinion
Where have I told you that you are not entitled to your opinion, I havn"t, all I have done is disagree with you, is that not allowed during debate ?