Done it ,beat their bogie side France and favourites Germany out, good chance of winning this now and Jodie Taylor for golden boot.
I must confess after seeing the title "women on the Verge" clicking on this thread I expected a somewhat raunchier subject.
Highest ranked team left in the tournament with them knocking out France, and Germany losing to Denmark.
Go on then someone post a link to the not the nine o'clock news video of Womens football, the one where they endure an awful display of mis kicks etc just to wait for the end where they all swap shirts I haven't watched much of this tournament but the bits I have seen the Women are fairly good - Id rather watch them than watch Wednesday v Reading for example
There is a lack of diving, rolling abart ont floor and timewasting so it`ll nivver catch on. Enjoying it missen like.
Is that women's football, or live fishing? I'd like to at least for a minute watch dead fishing, given that it seems to be an alternative to the other version. Is the fisherman or the fish dead? A dead fisherman is unlikely to catch anything, which might make for TV worse than women's football. Dead fish isn't really fishing. More collecting a corpse.
I think the standard is pretty good and the matches I have seen were far more entertaining than the men's. Goalies are ***** though.
At the previous World Cup I think, I genuinely couldn't believe that out of every single woman in England aged 18 to 40, Karen Bardsley was the best one at catching a football, as she was unfeasibly ***** at it. Then I found out recently that she is in fact American, meaning that there are actually no women in the entire of England who can stop a reasonably sized ball from going past them. That just can't be true. Even playing Georgia Davies and just wedging her in the goals would have been more effective at keeping the ball out than Bardsley was at the World Cup.
They have done superbly well. Time for the men's team to "man up". Hope they win it. Women's football has improved by several thousand percent in the last ten years, shame about the game we largely watch, which has sold itself down the river for Murdoch's millions.