Really well if your into kids and animals etc that's your lookout but there's laws against that sort of thing , we care a lot (faith no more ) you must be abit more precise jimbo instead of trying to be a clever c u next Tuesday all the time
You really have issues. Likening homosexuality to bestiality and paedophilia. Homophobic, racist. What a nice chap
Who did that superted ,I was just pointing out that jumbo had left himself open to misinterpretation, again making assumptions to fit your own agenda without really knowing the facts ,especially the ones in front of his sneck
If you like shagging boys it's nowt to be ashamed of cocker. We all understand. Explains the IOM with their 'scandals' . As I said if Animals is your thing I'm cool with that though not sure any self respecting slug would shag a racist homophobe but if you get one pissed and drop em a roofie who knows you might pop your cherry.
To be fair he serves a purpose. Every village needs an idiot even if it's a repressed homophobic racist one.
Look mate if you like gay sex I have nothing against it. It's your choice. You don't have to hide it we are a warm inclusive society us Barnsley fans. Your activity with animals might shock a few people but I'm sure people would understand that someone of your limited intellect may have problems getting humans to shag em.
it's not me who's pushing the 'I don't mind where you put your bits is it' no thowt not , just because you think it's alright to endorse alsorts of sexual practices other people don't agree with doesn't make it right or lawful ,maybe you should talk to Gaz try and get in his gang . Knockin ont door of empty house jimbo your as thick as mince