According to the news this morning, it's been reported that some Celtic fans are being investigated by the police for chanting songs about lee rigbys murder. My work colleagues ideas of punishment have ranged from, just a bit of harmless singing so get on with it to beheading all involved on prime time tv. My own view is that if found guilty, they should get the same time in jail that you would get for direct racist abuse.
One or two have already been identified by the powers of social media. They'd probably be better with a jail sentence than "community justice" Both Rangers and Celtic fans sing some pretty disgusting songs, but can't wait to take the moral high ground over each other. This song inparticular has no place in society, be it inside a football stadium or on the street, it's disgusting and they should be made an example of.
I saw the videos doing the rounds on social media and that clown tommy Robinson shared it it was about 5 of celtic fans walking down the street it made me feel sick watching people sing stuff like that. No place in football. Tommy didn't share the video of the 9k celtic fans singing bradley lowerys name or the article about rangers fans abusing the mcmillan worker outside Hillsborough because it doesn't fit his agenda or the hate he tries to create. Hope anyone found singing things like that is caught dealt with by the courts and given a custodial sentance and banned from all grounds.
5 blokes in this particular video, yeah. it happens on a much larger scale elsewhere though, I can assure you. There are a lot of idiots who follow both clubs, neither is better than the other.