Anybody else on here getting e-mails from fraudsters informing that you have £4,843 in your account. After being subjected to these for the last six months, now they are on about something called bitcoin. Trouble is you can't unsubscribe them or reply.
Do you use Microsoft Outlook as your email reader? If you are can you not just mark them as 'Junk', or set up a rule based on 'subject' or 'from' field, that way you will just never see them?
err I think you might be showing your age there if you dont know what bitcoin is I must admit I dont understand how it works but at least I know of its existance To your original problem though can you mark them as junk - if you use outlook or similar that should be an option, I dont see most of that sort of mail as it doesnt get passed my spam and junk filters. Dont try and unsubscrible though that just confirms they have hit a valid email address.