Why do you hold such ill feeling and have a lack of respect for him considering what he has achieved for this football club?
Main reason because he doesn't play the 4-2-3-1 system which works so well for Hemsy on Football Manager. Secondary reason because we haven't signed any Football Manager rated 'Wonder Kids' on loan. Also just to fuel that fire he went on holiday when Anotio Conte apparently didn't.
A follow up question. Given that you've made your opinion on Hecky clear, why do you feel the need to keep stating it over and over again, with varying degrees of subtlety?
Good player when he played for us , in the team that got us promoted , great manager that got us promoted , great coach , never heard a bad word said about him , and he's one of our own . What's not to like
I don't want to defend the indefensible but isn't the lad entitled to his opinion even if it differs from other people. Some people loved Bruce Dyer I thought he was crap (good human being though), I have a random soft spot for Paul McGugan but never really loved Alfie Mawson ( although he's a smashing footballer). It's all opinions right even if they don't coincide with our own. Better to engage even if toy get nothing back rather than be snide.
Its called attention seeking, although in fairness he isn't the only one on this board that excels in it
If you think Hemsie has a case to answer - has everyone read the thread titled 'Hammill' on the Barnsley FootyMad message board. It's got 50+ posts and it's well worth a read - if nothing else, to prove there are some very dim people about.
That Board is the absolute and utter Pits ! Worse even than Tykes Talk. Unbelievable some of the comments on there. After less than a minute on that board I'm ready to spontaneously combust !
It's because he has to have be different to everyone else, 99% of Barnsley supporters like Hecky so he doesn't.
He's a slightly special case but, in my view, knows exactly what he's doing with his wind up posts so he shouldn't expect to be given a free hit with them. In fairness I don't think he does expect to go unchallenged. He makes the occasional good point but it's lost in the dross of his petty point scoring and downright ridiculous agenda. He invariably stimulates debate, albeit totally exasperating. Let him carry on if he wants. I think anyone who reads enough of his posts can draw their own conclusions. He does like to assume the role of being superior in sporting knowledge to the rest of us but I guess we all fall into that trap sometimes. As for his agenda with PH. It's utterly idiotic.
It's a pejorative one and your tone is aggressive. Why start a new thread aimed at an individual? Why not perhaps rephrase your question in an already existing thread.