Just wondering if anyone has ever won their appeal over a Council Parking fine? I got done on Ecclesall Rd in Sheffield a few weeks ago. I paid my money just before 4 O'clock thinking I could park till 6 like the meter 40 yards away that I've used before...unfortunately there seemed to be so many different restrictions in relatively small print, I was struggling to make sense of it, but a large amateurishly put together board tie wrapped to the post said no parking after 7...leading me to wrongly conclude I could park till that time. I've appealed and it's been rejected, I paid and displayed in all good faith and feel a bit aggrieved that Sheffield Council don't accept their cardboard sign confuses the issue... is it worth pursuing?
If you don't appeal it, you'll have to pay, but if you do, you may just get off. I got a ticket in Torquay last summer, even though I paid and displayed and didn't overstay the time. My excuse was that I had a new car, and as I shut the door the draught blew the ticket up in the air and it landed upside down, but I didn't notice this until I returned to the car. It could be seen but the car park attendant could not read the time and date on it, hence the ticket. I claimed online and uploaded a photo of the ticket, and they let me off. If you don't shoot, you're never going to score.
I've attached a picture of the sign that caused the confusion . I've appealed to Sheffield CC....they turned it down flat...I could pay now at £35 or not pay and appeal again, it will then go to an independent adjudicator, if I win all well and good but if he upholds Sheffield's case it will be £70.
Looks like you got off lightly if car had been towed you would have been looking at £200 at least Sign does look amaturish should have been metal i would have thought
It does say no parking but then it also specifies a time which could be ambiguous. Could go either way but wouldn't get my hopes up.
, Cars would be towed only after 7...parking was allowed up till 4 everday and then from 6-30 except on weekends when you can apparently go right through...I made the mistake of assuming that the sign saying no parking after 7 meant you could park till 7...I got back at 5-30 to find a ticket attached .
That's my point though about the confusion, that sign clearly says no parking and no waiting...after 7pm.
I'd disagree, the sign says no parking and no waiting, and then it gives the duration of the highway improvements.
Best bet is try to get in and see them . I once got one from Barnsley council and went to see them on kendray street at the time ,explained and they annulled it. By the way just as an afterthought ,your logo of billy Casper I've seen with loads of other Yorkshire clubs fans on a flag Huddersfield, Bradford ,even a blue Dee Dars but never seen a Barnsley one. Not saying there isn't one but never sin one.
Bit different but once few years ago paid for 8 hours parking in Blackpool went to get push chair out of boot of car and left ticket in car. Got 60 quid fine. I appealed and sent Then my ticket and they let me off. Suppose it's easier to prove you have paid rather than argue why you over stayed
Fail to see what's amateurish about the sign or confusing personally. The sign is a temporary one used continuously in different locations. The road is being resurfaced and after 7pm there is no parking as obviously the road is being worked on and for the road tonne resurfaced your car cannot be there. This has no effect on the normal parking times or restrictions as they apply as normal up until 7 when the road had to be clear, end of.
No it doesn't....or yes it does... at least this is where it's confusing...it may say no parking and no waiting, but you can park and wait on there most of the day, as per the instructions on the ticket machine its fastened next to, in fact the whole street was packed just before 4, there was only one space left and no one was ticketed at all.
That sign is most definitely confusing. If it was me, I'd take it to the next stage. You paid for a ticket, you wouldn't have done that if you were just chancing it. So the sign confused you and you're not daft (even if you did vote for Brexit ).
Yes I have in Leeds twice Basically. I paid for all day but did not check the ticket and it expired a 2. I guess one on the £1,must have dropped through without me checking. I asked if the could check the calibration of the machine and provide me with the readings from the police. Register as I thought it would be over. The waived the fine on both occasions. I always check the times on the tickets and machine e now
While I don't think you'll have a great deal of luck battling this, I do feel your pain. The sign is misleading/confusing. If I'd bought a ticket, I would have been under the impression that it was ok to park as long as I was gone by 7pm.
tbh I found it difficult to follow what you are saying - What time period had you paid for? What time was the penalty ticket issued? When did you drive off?