"One thing chanting at a football match a total different thing to bully someone..." not to mention someone stating "the hatred of Nottinghamshire people runs through our veins" Really? So it is alright to chant obscenities at people from a region (most of whom were either not involved or not even born) because of something that happened over 30 years ago. Surely that is not massively different from the perception that making veiled racist or sexist references to certain sections of society is a form of bullying or 'verbal assault' in some circles on here. Doubòle standards or what? 'Never forget' (given what happened during the miners strike is understandable) but 'never forgive' is what leads to religious and nationalistic bigotry and hatred. For example, the troubles in NI where most of the youths have no idea what they were fighting against. Generations teaching their kids to hate. Some historians argue that much of the Christian/Muslim antagonism can be traced back to the sacking of Jerusalem and subsequent massacre of Muslims during the crusades. Nearer to home, there are still families torn apart because of the strike. My wife knows a family whose father died never having forgiven his son (both miners) and never spoke to him or his grandson because the son went back to work the day before the strike ended because he was at his wits end and had a small baby to feed and no money. The attitude of 'never forgive' destroyed that family NOT the strike! Hatred and bitterness results in two victims - hated and hater. Some of the ' holier than thou' posters on here who regularly claim the moral high ground should be capable of seeing the parallel. No wonder Barnsley is perceived by some as stuck in the '70s Rant over!
Deary me. I'm related to a Nazi, I've even had a cup of tea with said person. How do you feel about that?
The point of my post is that what happened last night is understandable In no way do I condone it and in no way was I involved in it
So if your Daughter did marry a Forest fan, and went on to have kids, that kid would be exempt from your bizarre hatred of anything to do with Notts?
Anyone who denies. That we have deep seated hatred of Nottinghamshkre in our town is blind In 1984 the actionsof people from that area are still hurting the people of our town and will continue to do so for generations
That's nonsense Tyrone, yes I'm from a mining family,yes I was alive during the strike. To say that a mining strike in the 1980s justifies a blanket hatred of thousands of people who we've never met,is absurd. A lot of people come on here speaking about solidarity and unity and community,but still we have these abhorrent ideas. I'm reading Stuart Machine's book on the Harrow Crusade, at the moment. Nothing has changed and the lack of compassion and empathy to our fellow citizens is something that shames us. Are people in Nottinghamshire not poor,suffering uncertainty,worried about the future? What happened in the 1980s has gone it can't be changed,but we can do something about the present. Vilifying and attacking innocent people is criminal and unacceptable.
The past shouldn't be forgotten, but people should learn by the past. do you think trying to intimdate someone who had absolutely no bearing on the 80's is acceptable? Who was to say this Forest fan was even from Nottingham? His only allegience to the city and/or county may be the football club.
I present you with Exhibit A. So please explain why 'we' hate somebody just because they are from Nottingham.