Lindsay 6ft 5, Mac 6 ft 3, Pearson 6 ft 3, Pinnock 6ft 4, Potts 6 ft 2, Ugbo 6 ft 2, McBurnie 6ft 3, Hedges 6 ft 1, McCarthy ft 2, Cavare 6 ft 1, Gardner 6 ft 2? Set pieces should be fun this season!
Sky Sports did a feature on Man Utd's current team saying something similar. Average height was around 6ft 3... As said above.. Izzy brings the average back down to 3ft 8 lol..
I've said it before on here: A good big un will always beat a good little un. German team have known this for decades.
I think this is a welcome shift. Seeing an obvious large shift in players from last season, there were 2 things I hoped for this season. One was a move to using the midfield and passing through it better. Last year we gave the ball away a lot and it could get a bit route one harem scarem. No issue with high pressing, but it makes sense to retain the ball to allow rest spells and allow it to be more effective when applied. The second, was increase height and presence in the team. Our midfield felt very small with Hammill, Kent, Hourihane and Scowen. They made up for that lack of size in other ways, but I thought at times we got outfought at set pieces and against bigger sides, we were under a lot of pressure. We'll see how they develop, but i'm glad we've gone for bigger taller players to help against the hoofers in this division, of which there are plenty.
It should hopefully help defend against set pieces. And on the other side it might help with attacking set pieces just as well.
Worked for huddersfield last season. I thought they were all massive powerful players when the came to oakwell and we did well against em.