Early days really int it. Hopefully Burton get one back soon and make a game of it. Birmingham average.
I agree. The premier league, Sky and overseas investors have screwed up football in England...well all UK for that matter.... totally. Barnsley historically have spent their main life in the second tier. I feel this may be about to change for us and many other teams too. I cannot see us getting some hotshot Asian investors or Russian or USA . Its the same with our British players too , due to the influx of overseas players many of the British players are getting forced down the leagues. We may soon have to be satisfied with a lower league status...... along with many others. But as long as we keep going that's the main thing for me.
I can see them staying up. They have heart and fight and that goes a long way as we found out on Tuesday. Birmingham look to have neither at the moment (60 mins gone)
Hogwash! Tinpot Burnley are'nt doing too bad. Burton stayed up with 5k crowds. What a season moneybags villa had: looks like money well spent this season too eh! What does having money to spend buy? It buys players for hyper-inflated prices who are paid hyper -inflated wages. They are clearly not all worth a third of that.
Not in the slightest - money is starting to talk and this league is getting harder. Of course it doesn't only work just spending money but then you look at the premier league and the gap between haves and have nots is getting larger. This money is filtering down to the championship- third of the club's now receive parachute payments.
Thing is though clubs with plenty of money or well backed clubs such as villa etc can afford to have expensive players flop and replace and even build another team ,and if the backer fails another rich backer is always willing to take over. But clubs like Burton and even Burley to another extent can't afford too many expensive flops imo.
How much more will the Birmingham players be getting paid? Can't compete with that the likes of burton, who make us look like proper dandies.
Not sure that's strictly true - massive differences between the tv money across the divisions - 6 million between this league and league 1. They maybe winning tonight but I think they'll be there or there abouts near the end.