Owner poorly. We don't know anything about what's happening with the new ownership, or how long it's going to take. We thought things were coming together with the new players after the Forest game - but they are clearly not after the Sheffield game. Are new players being brought in? Are new players going to be brought in that could make an immediate impact to the squad? Things could definitely be better at Barnsley Football Club right now.
Just a thought for the admin people - wasn't there a mention a year or two ago about merging threads with the same topic? If so, may I suggest this one belongs elsewhere. Well, actually it belongs in the Byte Bucket, otherwise known as the Recycle Bin.
Looks like Tatty is getting through to one or two on here. But if you read the initial thread instead of being brainwashed by the constant sniping of a certain individual- you will see that it's not really about the takeover- It's more to do with the present overall state of the club. Even though the possibility of a takeover IMO is the most important issue this message board has ever covered.
Just a thought for the admin people - wasn't there a mention a year or two ago about merging threads with the same topic? If so, may I suggest this one belongs elsewhere. Well, actually it belongs in the Byte Bucket, otherwise known as the Recycle Bin.
Sorry - let's get back to talking about more important things. Do you know I once saw Dickie Bird trying to set fire to Marks and Spencer's in town. He's a reight ******* isn't he !!!!!
Foooking hell Stalhrost - I thought you had more about you than following the same old same old that Slack Jack was peddling.
I think you probably know me well enough to know that I can form my own opinions. You can post what you want, as I can. But why the endless stream of new threads on the same subject? Just post in one of the many existing threads. Or better still, just think about something else and wait until there's some news worth posting about. Go and put up a few bat boxes or summat.
I don't think you can make up your own mind. I think you have fallen into the same trap as what many do on here. Which is surprising. If you read the initial thread it's about the general state of the club - but you choose to ignore that - and instead jump on Slack Jacks bandwagon. If you look at the home page - there is still mention of the takeover in the threads on there.