Slack Jack is doing his best to provoke and from that get me banned off here. Are you Stahlrost joining him in that endeavour???
I'd like to know why some people put 15 cushions on their beds, in addition to the pillows. They serve no useful purpose whatsoever, and have to be removed before you can go to bed. That means you have to have a couple of chairs or whatever in the bedroom upon which you can store the pillows overnight. Or alternatively you can just pile them up in a corner.
Also sounds similar to people who have weekday cups and other cutlery and weekend cups etc. Woe betide anyone who dares break that rule.
If not - then you need to watch what yer saying in relation to anything Slack Jack is saying - and understand the trolling levels that Slack Jack is lowering himself to. This person does not post anything of substance because he has nothing to say - all what he is doing is leeching off the efforts of others. Take more notice.
What usually happens- is that when it all blows up and abuse starts to be thrown about left right and centre on here - then Admin usually will step in wondering what's happened and why it's all blown up - not realising the trolling that's been going on beforehand. Please take note of what's happening here Admin.
To be fair - I didn't intend this thread to be concerning the takeover of the club. If you read the initial post it's about the whole turmoil surrounding the club at the present time. That's what I intended the discussion to focus on. If you read the initial post only a small fraction of it concerns the takeover. I've just had a flick through the first couple of pages of the Home Page and there are about eleven titles refering to the takeover. That's without looking within each of all the other threads to see if it's mentioned in the others. But that's understandable. This is the most exciting time to be a Barnsley fan. People want to talk about other things - but the most important thing on the agenda right now, by far, is the takeover. I was sat here thinking about the potential roles of the current directors in the new scheme of things. Which i find interesting and is a new slant on what I've otherwise read on here so far. But I suppose I'd better park that post for a few days.
But I have never got personal. Best to give each other a wide birth I think otherwise it will go too far.
I think the rule seems to be: lots of similar threads by different people is ok (so we can have 6 threads about one player if they are posted by 6 different people) but similar threads by one person isn't (so no posting 6 different threads yourself about said player). I think that makes sense to me as people may have different opinions about one event and want to start their own thread about it. However, if you have further comments about that player, you should probably post further comments in your own thread, or as replies to other people's, rather than starting a brand new one of your own each time about the same thing. I'm not saying that you have been starting lots of similar threads, or that you haven't, but I think you are confusing not starting similar posts to other people with not starting similar posts to yourself.
I can't work out whether this is a wind up or maybe a bizarre inside joke between all of the participants on this thread but nonetheless I much prefer YN's albeit similar postings to the rubbish that's posted on the likes of the Hemsworth chat which is absolute nonsense.