If the police breathalysed everyone exiting the carpark after a home game how many drink drivers do you think they'd find?
I would say a fair few. I don't even know what amount would put you over the limit now. If i go in the car i often go to pub after while traffic clears but will have a shandy or just pop. But i suspect I'm in a minority.
I don't know I think there's been a cultural shift even from when I started working not all that long ago. When I started in an office they'd have no problem having a couple of pints at lunch then a couple after work and driving home and now absolutely no one that drives has more than a single pint in the day and most refuse even that much. Just an observation.
I'm glad I don't drink, it's the devil's stuff. I was hit by a drink driver and I've been left with injuries which can never be fixed. I'm now registered disabled which has proved difficult to deal with mentally. It couldn't be more simple for me, just don't do It lads.
I doubt they'd get many. Not many people would drink and drive regardless of where they were. I just can't imagine too many would think 'f*** it, I'm having a few pints cause I'm at football'.
But how many do you think would be JUST over the limit? Had a couple but think they're fine? I doubt there would be many paraletic drivers but can imagine quite a few would be just over. On a similar note I've often wondered how many uninsured cars there are in the carpark on a match day.
I can only speak for myself and those I know at football but my one pint limit doesn't change if I'm driving. I'd like to think most would be the same but you might be right.
Funny you should say that I often wonder how many people have sugar in their coffee at the match leading to a possible diabetic coma , maybe its a question for the Fans Reps to bring up
Word of advice. ..don't drink and drive you spill to much...mind you if you are the nervous type by all means have a drink meet the police on the way home with confidence
If they had a gallon pre match, they'd be sober before they got out of the car park at the bottom end, although it has improved slightly since Lee Johnsones wallchart was adapted for it last season.
The first six months was the worst, having to have rails fitted through the house was quite overwhelming. I'm only 25, I'm still managing to do bits at work but before long I'll have to quit. I chose to not be updated by the police on what happened to the other guy in court. What I do know is that he is banned from driving for 3 years. Anyway, I'm not trying to hijack a thread here so I'll move on... I've seen friends jump in their cars and go home from the match many a time after having 4 or 5 pints. I think there needs to be more education with drink and drive. A lot of people are under the impression that you can have 2 pints and drive which is completely false. One pint of lager has 2.1 units in it which would legally put you over the limit, therefore 2 pints would put you twice over the it's limit. Many people also day that for every hour that passes you sober up by 1 unit, again false. I always say just don't bother of you're driving but I would say in 99.99% of cases that 1 pint before the match is fine, as by the time the game has ended you will be under the limit. I imagine their is only a small percentage of our fans who will be over the limit after the match, but no matter how small the percentage it is, that percentage needs dealing with.
I used to do when the social club was still there. Played for the supporters club in the morning and had a good wet, but didn't drive back then. Very rarely have a drink prematch now though, home or away. I see a lot of drunken fans at away games considering you're not allowed to enter a football ground under the influence. I'd say majority are in good spirits though, but there are the odd *****.
Problem is its an inexact science 1 pint of normal strength Lager wont put a 6' 18 stone man over the limit, but it might a 5' 8 stone woman You are generally reckoned to burn off a unit per hour so I am happy to have a pre-match pint and drive, as I recon by the time I am back behind the wheel after a match the alcohol will have mostly gone. Sometimes stretch to 1.5 pints if in a pub in time for lunch before the game and am drinking it a couple of hours before kick off. I think the percentage leaving Oakwell and driving whilst over will be actually quite small