Don't know if this has been disscused yet but what about season ticket and match day ticket prices, what about that then. Would they rocket to about £700/800 or £35 to 49, have any of you considered This?
Good point I'll not let it happen then? The abuse people gave Wednesday a few years back about being weird about a potential takeover has nothing on us
Your right no body has mentioned it since this morning Talking about early bird but still about increasing prices Still don't see why either couldn't go in the Chinese takeover thread
Yeh like I said "don't know if this has been mentioned yet" but to put it on another thread may have been lost so I thought set a new one off on a subject that may not have been discussed. Should have called the thread "potentially paying through the nose" Would have still been about the takeover though.
' this take over thingy ' is just a diversion, its not gonna happen. It just smoke screens our inept performance in the transfer market as per.
You've said that about every player we've signed so far. Do you need a wipe for that egg on your face?
Conversely, they might just reduce em to get more folk in. Can't catch me breath. I'm more concerned about the possibility of 4 defeats in 5 tomorrow
Considering how far down the line it has got, which I know for an absolute concrete fact it has, it would have to be one hell of a diversion, involving seven months of negotiations, lawyers, and everything else of that ilk. In fact, if it was just "a diversion", it's one that the North Korean ministry for propaganda would have been proud of concocting, such would be the complexity of the hoax.
Aye but look at the ' moon landings' and the notion that Wednesday and Leeds are big clubs the lengths people will go to can't be underestimated...
Actually you're right. We've probably hired the same consultants to construct this ruse as the ones who help the illuminati convince everyone that the world is spherical, and that 9/11 wasn't actually an inside job. Wibble wubble, my old man's a mushroom.
Maybe they'll sell all our best players and replace them at a tiny fraction of the proceeds, banking themselves a massive upside. Eh? Oh.