Now that you've said that I do remember it. It wasn't an attempt to make you look stupid because clearly as an educator you are not stupid. It was to demonstrate how you were refusing to listen to other people's views and were refusing to even acknowledge the questions put to you properly because you had already made up your mind
Ah, bit like yourself then. Already said that if it's your opinion then that's fine .... I have mine which is different ....
Still on the scoreboard topic but more related to the technical aspect of the fault I noticed on Saturday that the entire panel wasn't broken (until it was switched off) but that one section in the bottom corner was powered. That suggested to me that the bard is actually made up of around 12 small video boards connected together to form one large board. I would guess that the first board in the chain is that bottom right hand board and the connection between that and the next board was somehow broken. Do you know if that is the case? Several small boards linked together to make a larger screen? If that is the case it is brilliant news because it means fans could raise funds for more additional boards to be purchased which whilst not giving us a huge board could give us a pretty impressive wide board fitting in the existing structure
That is a fair point but there is one crucial difference between my view and yours. Mine is that many people DO find that they add to the experience, that they DO bring in revenue and that there IS a link between their use and the attendance of young fans which are the reasons I support them. Yours is (as far as I can tell) that you personally don't like them so we shouldn't have them. In other words nobody is saying you aren't entitled to your opinion that you don't enjoy them or find them useful for YOU but you should be able to acknowledge that they do have benefits for other people and if you acknowledge that then how can you be so against them?
On the subject of timing, I think it's time to take it out of control of the referee and let the 4th official do it. He would have stop start buttons and his clock would link to the scoreboard clock so the crowd could see it stopping and starting. This would mean that there's no point in time wasting, except perhaps for a team under the cosh to have a breather. Or alternatively, change to the system where each half lasts 30 minutes of actual playing time, and the clock stops if play stops for any reason. Again, that would make time wasting pointless.