Has just popped into our little garden for a few minutes. I'd not seen one so close up for years and forgotten just how beautiful they are.
That's true We've had a few sparrowhawks paying us a visit over the years. But that's no surprise with all the finches & sparrows we feed.
Used to be loads in the fields where I used to live - sat and watched them swoop down for their pray on many an occasion
Let me get this right, you feed finches and pigeons for the sole purpose of getting birds of pray to attack them?
No, I'll let you get that wrong. Actually, since I retired, I've taken a great deal of pleasure in feeding the birds. It's wonderfully relaxing.
So do my parents. In fact the taliban are more welcome into their front garden than those greedy ******* bullying starlings
Actually, mate, we rarely see any starlings in ours. Blackbirds, thrushes, robins, finches & sparrows are daily visitors.
Oh man, it's like a hand grenade going off in a library when one lands on the bird table. If they scare the bluetits off as well then it's Armageddon
Kestrels very rarely kill pigeons - they haven't got the physiology to do it. They prey on ground dwelling animals such as mice. However, sparrowhawks kill pigeons, especially large female (bigger than males) sparrrowhawks. Adapted to prey on different animals - hence different species - does see.
I'm the same with cats, so it's quite understandable. I always feel protective of what I consider to be MY birds. The neighbours give me a funny look, as I talk to the birds when I'm putting out fresh food and water. But then again, so do my family!
No, I didn't know that. I just assumed they didn't like the seeds, suet, meal worms, nuts & water I usually put out.
Worth a read http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/natureuk/2011/01/should-we-stop-feeding-birds-d.shtml https://www.rspb.org.uk/birds-and-wildlife/read-and-learn/helping-birds/feeding/whentofeed.aspx
This is the problem pal, too many doo gooders started moaning about the lack of sparrowhawks and got a protection put on them. Now we are overrun with them, infact I had one take down 3 of our fantail doves. The protection needs lifting now, it shouldn't be far off veing lifted anyway. People are now reacting to the problem, I know of a local guy who shot a couple of sparrowhawks the other month as they had wiped out his full set of pigeons. He's since been taken to court and got a small fine. The fines are reduced nowadays to what they were 3 years ago which is giving me good reason to believe they'll drop that bloody protection on them. Oh, and also kestrels are beautiful birds and quite shy on the eye now. We have one that perches in the trees behind our house now and again. Beautiful birds.
Thank you for posting those links, mate. They make for very interesting reading, especially some of the comments posted on them later.
Starlings - Red Listed But you wouldn't think that at Old Moor in the winter when there can be up to 20,000 - although most of which will originate from the continent. Quite a murmeration - and a spectacle for all those that come to see it.