Oh my god.. You, sir, are amongst the lowest of the low, exceeded perhaps by the scumbag pondlife that play for the team without passion. How you can say that it is boring to support and be proud of your country it beggars belief, and one can only pray for your eternal soul and hope that you never need your country in a way that affects your life. If you are actually proud of your stance then I really do hope you get what you deserve. Have a word with the "victims" of your callous beliefs, our lads and lasses abroad fighting for your right to be bored, they may explain things in plain English to you.
Malta are playing Premier League players who don't give a toss. Gone are the days when eleven true Englishmen played their hearts out for their country. Now it's all obsene money money money, afforded by Sky, the Arabs, the Russians etc.
To be fair it makes my piss boil to think we have to forego a game this week on the heels of a majestic performance against Sunderland to watch these overpaid talentless tarts mollocking about against a non-league team. Only my opinion, like.
No I can't explain it. I'm not watching it - basically because it's like watching the Bottom Rec playing Liverpool. And also to add to this - I hate Malta - I really hate Malta. Wouldn't go there if they paid me. They kill all wildlife - blast all birds out of the sky - all of it against EU legislation. Another example to see why the EU just does not work in practice.
I never really thought of it that way. I will bare my arse on the town hall steps as penance if you promise to be gentle and well lubed.
Whilst I think there are deep seated issues with English football and the national side structurally, in this case the problem is pretty clearly tactics. The English game has become very narrow, players like Hammill are an anathema in the modern game - genuine wide players. It seems now we cannot afford wingers - utility players are the way forward. And this makes sense if you are playing against a team which at leat carries a modicum of threat the other way - you can defend narrow and break up play, as soon as you introduce width you invite space, and therefore risk - its worth noting that since the 1950s the number of goals per game continues on its inexorable decline...... therefore, when you come across Malta, who have technically competent players with no ambition to open up, you end up with the bag-of-sh*te we are presented with tonight.
If you look closely at your remote control you will see some numbers. The answer to your boredom is right there.
If and I know it's a big if England got to the latter stages of a world cup you'd all be there down the boozer with yer retro England shirts giving it some INGERLAND! And you know it
Can someone tell me why we need so many separate threads saying how bad the English National team are.? Surely we've known that for some considerable time now.? The players mirror the personality of the Manager, dull, boring, predictable and sadly unimaginative.
Agree.... how dare someone say that something is OTT. This is a forum for mediocrity and non-conflict. I'm shocked.
I think history proves that country needs its people far more than people needs their country. If only you could ask the canon fodder from bygone wars