If the takeover happens I would like Patrick C to say his farewells on the pitch at a home game and also welcome the new owners. I would think that would be an emotional day for everyone. What would you like to see and what would you like the club to organise?
Is he even well enough? I thought his illness was terminal. It would be incredibly sad not to pay testament to him and his family in some way though. Would love to see a match played made up of two teams of past and present players since from his tenure as owner!
I can't see it happening but naming a stand after him would be something that would recognise his contribution to the club.
A statue of christ the saviour with sir patricks head cos without his money barnsley would be a league 2 club
What in economics or common aren't your strong points Btw Scarborough claims.to.be 12th best uni so please.provide.your source.as well
Given your academic expertise I would expect that you would easily be able to.provide the source of your claim