He's demonstrating in every post that he has no self control and even less respect for the sentiment of the post. I don't ordinarily agree with bans but the way he has abused this thread is beyond the pale.
Let's be reight though, she's tweeting in support of Patrick Cryne the Conservative and not Patrick Cryne the Barnsley Football Club Chairman. As if a Scottish Tory mp gives a **** about BFC.
RedKestrel, this klick of Tory's that post on BBS will do every thing they can to get you band, by insulting you miss quoting you and many other things so just ignore them don't let them draw you into something you might regret. Their football knowledge is good pity about other things.
I vote Liberal or Labour. I don't agree with the politics of Mario etc in most cases but I'm damned if I see why they should be insulted for it.
I'm pretty sure that Patrick has clarified this when questioned about it, that he does not support any political party, but has in the past supported various candidates across party lines, based on their individual merits as he sees them. Richard Branson has a very similar approach I believe.
I'm not saying it wasn't done with genuine empathy, but I still believe it was done because she identified with Patrick as an individual, and that's human nature. For example, if I saw that Adele had cancer I would hope for the best for her on a human level but I wouldn't mention it on social media because she's not someone I have any kind of relationship with. If that makes sense.
If there was anyone less likely to be in a clique of tories than me (other than Ho Chi Minh) I'm yet to meet him. I was once kicked out a Socialist Worker meeting for being too extreme...fun fact. I had called them all middle class mummies boys rebelling against daddies money at the time though so I suppose fair do's. At the same time common decency costs nothing. Respect costs nothing. Tolerance of others views costs nothing. Personally attacking people because you don't agree with them is counterproductive and drags everyone down. I didn't post Ruth Davidson's message as an endorsement of her or her politics I posted it to show the reach of Patrick's words and the feeling they have created. People wanted to hijack this for no good reason. Pretty sad really.
Ach this thread has got out of hand tbh. A man is suffering as many are throughout the land and all thoughts should be with them. Politics should be for another thread and day. BTW the tories are still ***** houses and should be seen as a grave danger to all working classes. They are dangerous.
I think you will find that it is not just tories on here that find RedKestrel's comments beyond the pale. Most people would I believe have a more grown up and tolerant attitude to people having views that differ from their own. To be honest I am with Stahrost on this one. This thread should be locked or deleted. For someone to take issue with a human being posting a nice tribute to another human being who happens to be dying of cancer because of their politics says a lot more about them than it does about Ruth Davidson. Quite apart from that, the thread was never intended to be anything to do with politics. Some people on here need to take a long hard look at themselves and ******* grow up and behave like a reasonable adult.
I wouldn't doubt one word of what you have posted there. However, if you thought that this wouldn't attract politically related replies then you are being uncharacteristically (judging by your posts on this board) naive. I do agree it has gone way too far though.
To be honest I genuinely didn't think about it. It just seemed a nice genuine response to a tragic situation. It's not like she said it for political reasons she's not chasing the floating voters of Royston. In retrospect you are right but I would hope that people could see beyond their own views to the bigger picture.