Fortunately no one was killed in this mornings terror attack....what has surprised me (for the good too) is the small scale media reports and coverage, a wonder if the government has enforced the media to keep such incidents to a minimum to 1) stop as much fear being spread as possible amongst fellow citizens and 2) to not make a big fuss of it to try to show these evil stupid ******** they aren't even worthy of widespread media attention??
I'm intrigued to know how a democratic government in a free country could put in place a secret dictat to the free and independant press? Bit of a bonkers theory really.
Remember Gerry Adams and the IRA having actors to be used to voice over their comments bonkers but true
Miners strike the entire country fed false info by Thatcher (SPIT) so as you can see it happens and it's not so bonkers
We are not talking about false information here though are we? There was a terrorist attack and sadly because there were no fatalities then it becomes much less newsworthy.
The official terror status has now been raised to critical in London, which unfortunately means that another attack is quite likely at some point in the future. I sincerely hope that won't deter our fans from making the trip down next week and would hope that those that do go, remain alert and ever vigilant until such times as they leave London for the trip back North.
It's ok because the 'government' is instructing the media not to report or diminish any terrorist act or atrocity so no one will be the wiser. Ps let's ignore the fact it has been widely reported but obviously not as much as manchester, for obvious reasons.
I think it's just becoming normalised, which in itself is a tragedy. But it's just yet another one isn't it, similar to all the others and I suppose there's a limit to how many times there can be mass shock and hysteria. With this one, thankfully no one has died yet, so in the cruel modern world there is perhaps simply less to report on. I never thought we'd see the day where attacks such as this were met with the kind of acceptance we now see. Not acceptance that it's ok, but acceptance that we cannot stop the attacks and more will follow. When there are reports of things happening in Paris, I tend to think, 'oh, another one'. That kind of reaction was previously saved for news of middle-eastern issues or some other continously war-torn region. I just hope and pray that our security services can prevent an increase in regularity of attacks in Britain. Life is so short as it is. Anyone trying to make it shorter for people are beyond words.
This is our reality and it will be forever now I would guess. No need for this conspiracy theory nonsense.
No. I work in in the media. 23 years as a journalist. The Government never stopped me writing anything. Advertisers try to put pressure on when you run stories about customers who complain but that's all. PR people, which is what I am now, will try to influence the media but that's all. There is no conspiracy. Hope that's reassured you. And if it hasn't well, they know where you live. Don't answer the door tonight...
Authorities want us to accept it as the new normal, part of living in a big city, small price to pay for multiculturalism, all that crap, same with all the thousands of children who've been abused by Muslim gangs, small price to pay for whatever benefits Islam has supposed to have brought us. Personally I think it's a disgrace. Nothing will be done until politicians, celebrities, royalty are being blown up/ abused though, we're just not important enough.
It's 7am and the first news story on sky news amazingly is the terrorist attack yesterday. How many british and northern irish politicians were murdered or attacked by the IRA? Our tory loving right wing media are more than keen to report crimes committed by those within our multicultural society.