This type of partisan attitude that pervades British politics is one of the reasons in my opinion why we still have the archaic and not fit for purpose first past the post system. Labour are as guilty as any with regards to their by and large intransience when it comes to working with anyone who doesn't wear a red rosette. As a result, we still have this horrendous system in which 70% of votes are wasted, and we almost always end up with a majority government that the majority did not vote for. The way you've been carrying on here is pretty embarrassing, and that's coming from a card carrying member of the Labour Party, and in my opinion is symptomatic with so much that's wrong in British politics today. Whether it's the right wing press demonising every idea that Jeremy Corbyn comes out with, or people accusing anyone who wants to enter into a civilised discussion about immigration reform as being a bigot, it all stems from the same thing, as is counter-productive at best, and destructive and backwards at worst. Just for the record, I quite like Ruth Davidson. She's a very eloquent speaker, and always tries to argue constructively and respectfully, rather than just slagging her opponents off. That doesn't mean that I agree with everything that she says, or that I would vote for her. On the other hand, I also agree with a lot of Kenneth Clarke's political positions, and for that matter, John Major's. I disagree with a lot as well, but probably no more than I disagreed with a lot of Tony Blair's policies. Boris Johnson is socially very liberal, as am I. As I said, I'm a member of the Labour party. So make of that what you will.
Remove it admin. Politics ruining the board again and completely off topic from Jimmys original post. Welcome to the **** bbs
Youre coming to some conclusions MT.. I take it you quite liked some of Tony Blair's positions..or maybe Maggie Thatchers political positions.. or Farages. NB i never said I was a Labour supporter
Some of Blair's - yes. I believe that Britain became a much more inclusive, united and tolerant place under New Labour. His work towards peace in Northern Ireland was sterling (although Major had also contributed a lot, and it would be disingenuous of me to say otherwise just because he's a Tory).Farage - no. Thatcher I despise a lot of what she did and what she stood for. Having said that there's nothing wrong with the principle of bettering yourself through hard work. I think most people would agree with that. But the way she went about it by dividing society was brutal, poisonous and absolutely unforgivable.
If he is banned then I will petition to ban you to admin for your comments on Muslims and other right wing bile you have spewed on here. You are a fine one to post such things
It wasn't the tweet you posted it was the comments of some posters after. When people were posting about Ruth Davidson herself you were agreeing with them , quote"I don't mind Ruth personally" unquote . But as soon as some of your fellow lefties as you put it post retaliatory you agree with the Tory posters on here as upthecolliers noticed. I personally wasn't posting gainst the sentiments of what she said but against the posts after. Some of them have posted as being disgusted at the retaliatory posts then go on to post their thoughts, wtf. It's totally up to you to side with them. I personally take a leaf out of a true lefties book " Dennis Skinner" and don't give them the time of day. Theirs no humanity in them when they give such sentiments tocertain people then cruelly impose their inhuman cuts on the most fragile.
Is that the Dennis Skinner who supported the tories power grab this week by voting with them.... If I was an MP. I would certainly take the Laura Pidcock approach of working collegiately but not going for cosy drinks with Conservative Mps. Luckily I am not. In private life it's daft to say you can't be close to someone who's political views you dislike. My grandad was an old school communist but remained married to my grandma who worshipped the Queen. Personal relationships are not so binary. Some of the most dislikeable people I have ever met were union leaders when I worked for the Tuc. We should be able in private life to separate the individual from their role in society. A good discussion of this can be found on Orwell's piece on Salvador Dali. On a personal level I find Davidson competent, good at her job, personable and 'human' for a politician. Woukd I wanna take her to Lockys for a pint probably not but that doesn't mean I am blind to her positive qualities. There are different views within all political parties. Should I hate Corbyn because of the illegal wars fought by Blair or the neo liberalism practiced by Blair that disenfranchised and demonised the working classes. Of course not. I will defend anyone if they receive abuse for holding certain views. Criticise the views not tbe individual. One of tbe refreshing things about Corbyn is his refusal to indulge in gutter attack politics. Some on here could do with taking this on board. Again the comment was not political and shouldn't have been used for a political slanging match it reflected poorly on those who did so.
Got to agree with that sentiment JC, it seems an honest comment by an individual who heard of Patricks notes and was touched by them, why wouldn't you be after all? Why do we have to attack, why do we have to divide? Sometimes if we allowed ourselves to listen, we may actually find more similarities than differences, and maybe, just maybe, that could allow true debate and discussion without hostility and a unity could follow. The biggest problem in politics is idealisms that more and more are unable to be tested without the media and people rubbishing them before they leave a persons lips. Policies and thinking should be challenged to try and change it and better it. The more diverse the breadth of view, the more the best idea can emerge ad be taken forward. But that just doesn't happen and cross party politics is merely a crutch to lean on when numbers are short. I welcome her taking time to comment on being touched by Patricks bravery and his integrity in running our football club. I'm not quite sure why it provokes such venom from someone who has nothing to gain by stating such a view.
I concur with your views to an extent and as I said I wasn't attacking her or her sentiments on Patrick on a personal level . But posters we're admiring her words then putting personal opinions in ,which if you look back on the threads you will see , ' next prime minister etc etc . That in my view was likening to a campaign strategy , oh look what Ruth Davidson's wrote about Patrick etc etc . Personally I couldn't give two monkeys what she's wrote on a Tory rag because I see the work that woman and her spiv friends have done to the country and its citizens under the Tory flag. Each year I go up to the Miners gala in Durham and talk to miners who were sacked during the 12 month strike and because of a secret blacklist have had all their applications for work ignored. Not only miners were subjected to this others were as well particularly the construction workers. This secret list is slowly being exposed and I mean very slowly , The Tories pretend they know nothing of this list but their odious odour is all over this and most people in the media and political world have their hands dirty. I have friends injured in mining accidents, driven to almost despair since 2010 because of the Tory cuts. This Town has had and is still having its heart ripped out by these ***** and all you get is "it's thirty years since and it's a labour council that's cutting , your living in the past etc etc. These ******** look after only one part of our society . So no I can't believe she has a heart by publicly lamenting someone and then voting and cheerleading cuts to life support for others.
I don't disagree with a lot of what you have written there at the same time Blair probably did as much damage to the fabric of our society and as much damage to working class people. He moved society rightwards and created an atmosphere where working people were demonised not celebrated. Labour are not blameless. Though at last we have a Labour Party that represents caring and socialism let's not forget that not long ago it promoted and defended casino capitalists.
I've got very mixed feelings about Blair. While what you've said about him shifting society is undoubtedly true, at the same time the country as a whole felt positive and united in the early Blair years in a way that I had never known before, and haven't since either. Maybe it was just youthful optimism, Britpop, the second wave of British rave, and everything else that made Britain a great place to be in the late 90's and early 2000's. Rose tinted glasses and all that. I did one in 2004 and haven't been back to live since. But the impression I get from aside is that society is more fractured now than it ever was in those days. Critically so, in fact.