Its just this sort of thing that actually has a negative impact on race relations where racism is implied where none ever existed - makes me annoyed.
Breaking news: Barnsley can no longer refer to themselves as the red army as it might offend some native Americans as red is apparently racist. Oxford United are also searching a new nickname after alienating supporters from the Far East with their blatantly bigoted use of yellow army... Ridiculous.
As a left of centre wishy washy liberal I have to say.....this is getting utterly ridiculous. Things like this undermine attempts to tackle racism where it actually does exist. Some idiots on the far left seem unable to employ common sense or fight their urge to seek insult at every turn.
Is this actually true or is this more the case, based on ignorance, that there is a fear of offending someone so we'd best not say something or cover something over? It's like the fake news stories every year about town X not having Christmas lights this year as it offends Muslims. Utter gash and simply untrue. I don't believe for a minute that the FA covered up the sign as a result of a complaint by an individual or a group, nor do I believe they consulted Kick it Out or some such prior to doing so.
Not sure from the report if it was covered up as a result of a complaint or as an effort to prevent any possible complaints. Either way it's disappointing.
It's actually self titled "wishy washy liberals" who bring these kind of story's up. The far left is a different kettle of fish altogether mate ...
I was being self deprecating. And arguing, presumably, your point. Nevertheless I aplogise for not meeting your ultra left, died in the wool credentials.
But were all the banners obscured or just that one? I've checked the highlights and can't see the pride, passion, honour banner either. If they removed them all then it's just a rights issue, if they only removed that one it's obviously not. When England under 21's (or 23?) Used oakwell they covered up all our banners too didn't they?
This isn't untrue - I worked for Sheffield Council in 2008 when they issued statements letters to all staff saying that we were not allowed to refer to Christmas or have christmas decorations. - any decorations could only be referred to as "holiday decorations" and could not depict religion. The Guardian readers want it to be a lie - but I still have the letter some where. Constantly rubbishing the truth doesn't make it a lie.
Well that's ridiculous.. I know they changed that old lighting sign past the top of Fargate, that said happy Xmas happy Chanukah happy Eid.. to a new cheaper one with out the Eid bit last Xmas.. Have you got a screenshot of that letter
The BBC aren't the far left. I agree that they're damaging to the underlying message, but they're liberals. I wouldn't identify with them.