Dont tek me you didn't see it coming I said over a year ago that this would be the case just as in other counties like.Switzerland and norway Brexit is all about making the this country richer whilst creating a low skill haven for the rich
And the EU will make sure they get more money back for it's members through tougher than expected trade deals. Inflation and static wages. Will this government subsidise all the businesses/farmers based in this country after brexit? A tough 30 odd years to come i'd guess for the supposed 6th wealthiest nation on the face of the earth.
Fabulous that the principle of paying our responsibilities has been accepted and a transition period is being sought. Two years should be enough time to kick the whole idea of hard brexit further into the long grass! Happy days! Bring on the article 127 Supreme Court case!
18 billion for nothing against £350 million for the benefits of being part of the worlds biggest trading bloc. Good shout that mate.
One day a lot of folk will realise they made a mistake in voting out. Like when they realise it will have no real effect on net migration figures, when they realise their employment rights have been eroded, when they realise that a government and society already set to benefit the elite only, now has no reigns on it. When they realise the money spent on the eu will mostly still be spent in trade deals and/or increased individual costs - but with no returns in the form of subsidies. When they realise that development in the north of england in the main has been supported by European government grants, with little to no central uk government support for much north of Luton - unless you happen to be Scottish of course. The rest of the out voters will likely be dead and buried as the average demographic of an out voter was much older than a remain one. At the time I saw no big reason to vote out that was actually true. People had their democratic right and I accept the vote went the other way - just - (to hear some go on about the will of the people you’d think it went 80/20), and so we must proceed to get on with it. I certainly feel it will be a painful mistake with the pain felt by many who didn’t want it and not felt for long or at all by a lot who did.
We paid 19.5 billion a year (according to treasury figures 2017 This equates to around 350 million a week, not a year.
£250 million last year IIRC. Currency falls have cost the government somewhere in the region of £300million per week already, so even if we took the entirety of the savings we'd be operating on a loss. And that would leave the £150 million or so of funding spent within the UK missing. So the country is currently looking at £200 million or so per week of loss and the £ is expected to fall further increasing the losses. But hey, will of the people and all that.
Yes like agency workers that can be picked up and dropped at whim.. and zero hour contacts ... Germany still as it's coal and manufacturing industrys and guess who runs the EU We've had 45 years of EU backed destruction of all our money making industrys.
No we didn't. We have never paid the full amount, although we will when we rejoin. If our full fee was £19.5bn then we paid around £14bn, which is £270m per week. Last figures I saw suggested it was about 1bn lower, so £250m per week.
It's clear that a lot of people have little understanding of the figures involved. 2 people here have replied revealing they believe it costs us only 350 million a year: that's peanuts in treasury terms. Clueless I bet they know how many 'immigrants' came though.
Splendid news that at last a softer gradual exit from the forthcoming EU superstate is likely. It'll upset the hard line Brexit headbangers but so what. It was always imho a journey rather than a one stop destination.
I was taking the wee-wee out of some of the people who will have voted leave for that reason (and probably type like that too)...