Without getting drawn into along debate where we both end up still thinking the way we do now - with regard to sovereignty etc - are we that afraid of ourselves that we should be scared of our elected govt ? I don't think we'll see again a govt of any hue with a majority of the magnitude that they could embark on a policy of severely diminishing employment/legal rights - and if they did, then the other lot can reverse that surely ? Or even enhance workers rights if they get in ? I will look for the research done into EU funded projects - it's not all it appears in terms of just the EU throwing bags of money at a particular area. At the end of the day, once we are out then the buck stops at Westminster - they can't hide behind EU directives etc - at last we can hold them up to the light and see what they are about and properly hold them to account. Before the referendum ark104 said that whilst being a remain voter he hoped/expected/thought it should be/ that if we voted to leave, then it should be the start of a proper review of democracy in the UK, from Westminster down to local govt, and he was right.
Yes and ? That's me is it ? You're arguing points that I haven't made. Immigration didn't register when I voted. 'What aboutery' is a poor argument. Some of the biggest racists I know are Labour voters. It takes all sorts.
Not aimed at you personally, never ever intended to be. It was a judgement based upon my recent interactions with others. I'm not a labour supporter either!
I see it as a giant game of killer pool. As each country naturally leaves the eu in time and pays an exit fee. The last man standing gets the pot.
The brexiteer's were shouting loud that the EU would crumble. Hold on: the right lost the subsequent election in Austria, then Holland, then really significantly France. There has been no wind of change.
The only people who will save money are those that hace billions now and that are in position to take advantage of our tax haven status People like paul sykes The rest of plebs can whistle
I have a theory about social evolution. Mankind (and some other species too - apes, dogs, wolves, hyenas, whales, dolphins) start in a small family group for safety and to get food easier. This slowly evolves into larger tribes with a territory. These tribes fight with nearby tribes. These tribes evolve into kingdoms. Britain was at this stage before the Romans, with 20odd different kings. These then slowly merge through war, marriage or invasion, until you get bigger nation states. This is the position of most of the world now, with nation states. The next stage is to merge the nation states into continental sized areas of influence. Within a few generations, Europe will be one big federation. North America won't be far off, and parts of Asia, Africa and Central/South America will be starting on that journey. These populace of these blocs will have similarity in religions, economy, social outlook, etc and the current nation states will have as much relevance as the current counties have to us. A source of light-hearted rivalry and nothing more. Another few generations, and those continental blocs will start to merge into one planetary bloc - as will our (hopeful) colonies on Mars, Moon, etc. As long as we exist as a species this is the trend, and the vote for Brexit was a bump in the road. We will join the EU again at some point (if we leave). It is the only way that we as a species can ensure our survival on this planet for longer than the next few generations before we have a war than kills too many of us.
So remoaners say both that there will be a shortage of skilled labour and there will be and everyone left behind in this labour shortage region will be on low skills and low wages. As usual remoaners not making any sense
Why doesn't that make sense 1 Shortage if skilled works 2 employors relocated to areas that have skilled.workers 3 unsillkwd.jobs left They your in an economic vortex
Shortage of skilled workers. employers invest in training and skills employers invest in productivity real wages increase People are better off. Under the current model there is no economic incentive to invest or train. For every vacancy there is an infinite pool of skilled an unskilled workers to depress wages. This isn't theory - this has been happening in the UK since Poland joined and with greater expansion of the EU its the children of Barnsley that suffer. There's actual evidence to support this in front of your nose. But go on - keep living in cuckoo land.
End of conversation - you've just shown - like most remoaners - you haven't got a clue what you're talking about.
Id say it was you that didn't know what your talking about The whole country is imploding and people like you ate encouraging it Selfish rich multi millionaires backing the leafy suburbs of the south east . Makes me spew
http://www.politics.co.uk/blogs/201...h-may-kicks-the-brexit-can-two-years-down-the Great little article. Not partisan and makes some good points. I'm not fazed either way about Brexit but completely ashamed of those doing the negotiations they couldn't get my 6 year old to tidy her room.
He is saying (I believe) that employment in a fluid world will go to the skills especially if the areas where those skills already exist benefit from frictionless trade. I have no strong view either way about the EU but that seems to be a no brainier to me. It is also why eventually we will end up with a Swiss or Norwegian style relationship with the EU.
The best way forward for me would be the agreement and terms Norway have. In fact i wish we could be more like Norwegians, they are lovely people. I spend quite a lot of time with Norwegian people, it's very relaxing.