Problem is we've now pissed off the 27 countries that need to unanimously approve any transition deal. They could (and quite possibly will) say no to force us to concede more (and we wil have to). Norway were also against us having the same deal as they had.
Just as an observation, I think I am correct in saying that the Norwegian Govt took Norway into that arrangement without a referendum , the Govt has tried twice subsequently to take Norway into full membership of The EU and has been rejected twice by the Norwegian people. It would be interesting to know what the result would have been had the initial deal been put to the people.
If you read the foreign press it's far from clear cut that we've p****d off all 27...there is a lot of dissatisfaction around the EU's handling of it so far, particularly the interference of JC Juncker and the limited mandate given to Barnier, Ireland and Spain in particular have been far more critical of the EU stance than the impression of a united 27 Juncker likes to convey.
To be honest, I've only really read Bild and Spiegel, so only seen snippets on the German side. Last I heard, Ireland were investing heavily in new port facilities so they could miss us out of the logistics equation.
I've never heard my norwegian friends speak badly of the EU nor have any problem with the arrangement they have. I have found that they are far more politically aware and passionate about their politics than the majority of my peers too.
I do believe the minimum wage in norway is 35000€ a year ( yes it's double what we pay for a pint and a meal too but a decent wage nonetheless) Norwegians pay more tax on their higher earnings but are looked after from cradle to grave. It's a lot easier to make your peoples a lot more comfortable when there's only 7 million people living in a country that's slightly bigger than our own.
They only really want to join I suspect because at the moment they have no say over ten EUs decision making whilst being bound by its rules. The leavers nightmare scenario which I suspect is what we will end up with.
With due respect, the electorate and the way they vote are not the problem that the EU has. It is the unsustainability of the current ECB/Euro mechanism combined with the intransigence of the EU cabal -_Junckers , Verhofstadt and Tusk -that will cause the disintegration. No-one should take any comfort from that though as it will be messy and UK either in or out will be impacted. The collapse, if it does happen, in short, will not come about through politics but through economic failings. The recently claimed EU growth is smoke and mirrors as QE to the tune of 60bn per month creates an artificial bubble as selling bonds is not growth but with German Elections due they are bound to be upbeat about it. Greece is still surviving on EU/ECB handouts and Italian banks are teetering on the brink. All is far from rosy in the EU although people who get their news from the Guardian, Independent and the BBC get to hear very little about it. As another poster on this thread says you have to view the foreign press (and lots of it) to get the true balanced picture. The unified 27 are actually a long way from being unified.
My point was essentially aimed towards those brexiteers who have stated to me that the right, or rather those to the right of right in Europe would win power in the subsequent elections. So I was rather referring to the will of the people. I think you are quite right that the EU though will undoubtedly face a huge economic struggle. I spend a lot of time in greece as that is where my parents live and I have not met one who desires to be out of the union. The union itself however... we will see.
I think the point is though that opposition to the EU is not exclusive to the right....Wilders and Le Pen failed largely because they were too right wing by nature..( Not that they had a serious chance despite what the Express said ).my friend who lives in Frankfurt says many of his friends are not impressed by the EU, but are resigned to it by Germany's role in 20th century history,they are not of the right but it's almost an unwritten rule that you can bend it pragmatically but dare not criticise overtly for fear of being branded neo Nazi.
Absolutely right to say opposition to the EU is not exclusive to the right. Merkel is going to win the election though, despite the fact she/germany allowed 1 million refugees in: i think that speaks volumes.